Yorkshire Post - Property

Navigating the ongoing complexiti­es of acquiring a flat

- Andrew Milnes MORTGAGE ADVICE BUREAU, BINGLEY Mortgage Advice Bureau, Bingley, tel: 01274 568832.

WHILE purchasing a flat often comes with the convenienc­e of city living, it also poses a range of expenses and challenges, most notably, service charges and cladding issues.

The landscape surroundin­g leasehold properties has become even more complex in recent years and more needs to be done to ensure that leasehold homeowners and prospectiv­e buyers are getting a fairer deal.

Service charges for apartments cover areas like landscapin­g, insurance, utilities, lighting, and other communal expenses. Over the past few years, these charges have steadily increased, causing added financial strain on leasehold flat owners. Despite the significan­t rise in service charges, lenders have been slow on the uptake when it comes to adapting their criteria when loaning on flats.

The increasing financial burden on apartment owners and the unwillingn­ess of lenders to provide loans that cater to these costs has created substantia­l difficulti­es.

As a result, leasehold flat owners have been left stuck in a vicious cycle of being unable to sell and therefore unable to buy elsewhere.

The Grenfell Tower fire in 2017 shook the nation and drew attention to the inadequate fire safety measures in many residentia­l buildings. Six years later, it’s dishearten­ing to note that real progress on cladding and fire safety issues have been slow to materialis­e. This continues to put homeowners and prospectiv­e buyers lives on hold, with freeholder­s forcing owners to fork out thousands for interim safety measures and insurance costs.

Furthermor­e, some lenders are refusing to mortgage properties that still have combustibl­e cladding and unknown fire safety risks, leaving prospectiv­e sellers without buyers. While some lenders have given the green light on offering mortgages to properties with cladding issues, these are few and far between.

So, the journey towards reform remains an arduous one. The proposed leasehold reform bill is expected to prohibit leaseholds for new houses but this will not cover new flats.

With nearly five million leasehold homes in England, 70 per cent of which are flats, the bill aims to restore genuine homeowners­hip to only one portion of the leasehold demographi­c.

While offering a glimmer of hope for those looking to buy new homes, those looking to buy or sell a flat will continue to face uncertaint­y and battle the costly fees imposed by freeholder­s and management companies.

The impact of increasing costs on mortgage affordabil­ity, as well as the complex criteria surroundin­g lending on a leasehold property, has resulted in lenders scrutinisi­ng service charges even more closely.

This means the need for mortgage advice has never been more vital. Brokers with experience in mortgages for apartments in city centres can guide you through this complex space and ensure that prospectiv­e buyers enter the market with their eyes wide open.

Brokers like us will work with you to identify where you stand financiall­y prior to submitting an applicatio­n, and will tailor your applicatio­n to lenders that may allow you to borrow.

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