Yorkshire Post - Property

Election promises now abound … plus my heartfelt wishes


A General Election is on the cards this year and possibly sooner rather than later, which means promises are being made by the two main political parties in a bid to woo voters.

As well all know, if and when those pledges are kept is another matter.

The good news, if it comes to pass, is that Housing Secretary Michael Gove has promised that the Renters Reform Bill will finally be enacted before the election.

This would see a ban on Section 21 no-fault evictions.

A section 21 notice allows a landlord to evict a tenant with two months notice with no reason given and has been criticised by housing charities as a way landlords can evict tenants who complain about poor accommodat­ion.

New grounds for eviction look set to include allowing landlords to sell or move themselves or close family members into the property or taking back the keys if there are persistent rent arrears and anti-social behaviour.

Mr Gove is also using fears that some voters have of a “build, build, build” on green field land approach to housing by announcing this week that he is intending to increase supply by making it easier to build on brownfield sites in England’s biggest cities.

He adds that he will also consult on removing planning constraint­s for extensions and loft conversion­s while making it easier to convert commercial property into dwellings.

He may or may not get the chance.

Meanwhile, my wish list for whomever is in charge after the General Election is for leasehold and freehold reform to be enacted without delay and with all the amendments and additions asked for by those courageous campaigner­s caught in the building safety scandal and by those leasehold homeowners who are being milked for outrageous sums in ground rent by greedy freeholder­s.

Let us pray!

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