Yorkshire Post - Property

Property prices are on the increase but rent growth slows

- Sharon Dale

THE latest report from Rightmove shows that the average price of UK property coming to the market for sale rose by 1.5 per cent this month to £368,118. There was also an increase in buyer demand.

Average asking prices are still £4,776 below the May 2023 peak and the increase in buyer activity suggests that more are seeing a window of opportunit­y to buy.

Rightmove analysts believe that the signs are that overall activity levels have now returned to steadier pre-pandemic norms. However, the elevated level of mortgage interest rates mean that the increased activity is skewed towards those buyers who are less sensitive to higher mortgage costs.

Tim Bannister, Rightmove’s director of property science, says: “March is typically a strong month for asking price growth, as both buyer and seller activity levels rise and the spring selling season gets underway.

“However, the stronger than usual price growth this March indicates that new sellers are feeling much more confident, with some perhaps being overoptimi­stic, that there is enough buyer activity and affordabil­ity in their local market to achieve a higher price.

“Despite the above average price increases in the opening three months of the year, asking prices are still below their peak in May 2023. For those who can afford to buy and have yet to take action to move this year, this may provide a window of opportunit­y to buy as we now seem to be past the bottom of the market.

“While some sellers are still being over-optimistic with their pricing expectatio­ns, there are also more sellers who are aware of the need to be negotiable and realistic, with elevated interest rates compared to recent years still stretching affordabil­ity for many buyers.”

Zoopla analysts say that the rental market remains locked in an imbalance between supply and demand, though this is slowly starting to narrow and is leading to slower growth in rents.

Its latest report shows that UK rental inflation has slowed to 7.8 per cent, down from 11 per cent a year ago, bringing the average rent to £1,223 per month, according to the latest Rental Market Report from property website Zoopla.

Yorkshire rents have risen by 7.6 per cent year on year bringing the average monthly rent to £799. The neighbouri­ng North West saw a 9.8 per cent increase taking average rents to £848 while the North East saw a 9.9 per cent lift pushing average rents to £695 per month. In Leeds, the annual increase was 7.2 per cent and the average rent is £969 while in Sheffield the average rent rose seven per cent taking the average rent to £809. Neighbouri­ng Manchester saw a 9.6 per cent annual growth taking the average rent there to £1,070

The average letting agent currently has 12 homes available for rent which is a fifth higher than this time last year but still 28 per cent lower than the pre-pandemic average.

The typical home for rent sees 15 enquiries which is significan­tly reduced from 40 enquiries per property in 2021, but still double pre-pandemic levels.

The moderation in rental growth is primarily due to weakening demand and growing affordabil­ity pressures rather than any major expansion in available supply. Only a sustained expansion in rental supply will alleviate the pressure that tenants face from higher rent levels.

London leads the rental slowdown in the UK with rents up by just 5.1 per cent, down from a high of 15.3 per cent a year ago.

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