Yorkshire Post - YP Magazine

Exploring Feng Shui for better bedrooms


ALWAYS interested to embrace new and ancient principles for good design and better living, this month Hartleys considers how Feng Shui continues to play an influentia­l role in creating the perfect bedroom.

Everyone can appreciate the importance of a good night’s sleep and it’s worth considerin­g how observing the basics of Feng Shui can help you sleep better.

In the context of interior design, Feng Shui is the art of arranging a room to create a positive environmen­t that improves your energy and wellbeing.

Anyone can make a few simple changes to make a difference, such as de-cluttering and keeping electronic devices away from your bed, but to realise the potential of Feng Shui, an overhaul of the layout and design of your bedroom is the key to making significan­t improvemen­t.

Feng Shui is all about harnessing good energy. In your bedroom, the best “commanding position” is a spot far away from the door, and not directly in line with it. Ideally, your bed should face the door from the other side of the room.

It may not be feasible with your existing furniture layout, but a room designed from a blank slate can factor in this simple premise.

Fitted or freestandi­ng, Hartleys’ furniture is designed to make the absolute best of the space available, working round fixtures like windows and doors but transformi­ng every other aspect of the room to enhance it aesthetica­lly and functional­ly.

The concept of order and a place for everything is central to the design principles of both Feng Shui and Hartleys’ founder, Richard Hartley. “Tidy house, tidy mind” is never more important than in the bedroom where you most need to relax.

Mess doesn’t just clutter your room, it affects your thoughts too and according to the rules of Feng Shui, stuffing things out of the way under the bed for storage doesn’t cut it; instead it can block energy and cause restlessne­ss.

Bedrooms designed by Hartleys are tailored to cope with each client’s particular brand of clutter with storage created to suit.

Cleverly utilising space you didn’t realise you had creates additional storage space, such as bridging units above and stable door access to corner units. From shoe stores to sock drawers, hat space to sports bags, Hartleys can hide the visual clutter of your wardrobe and dressing-table necessitie­s to leave you feeling more organised physically and mentally in preparatio­n for a good night’s sleep and a restful awakening.

Harnessing natural light during the day with daylight flooding into the room, effective blinds or curtains are needed to block out excess light at night. Dim lighting is more conducive to relaxation, with lamps creating a relaxing ambience, or Hartleys can install a dimmer switch

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