Yorkshire Post - YP Magazine

Bright ideas

- With Sharon Dale

Interior designer Vanessa Arbuthnott has shared her tips on declutteri­ng. Clearing clutter improves wellbeing and we all need to boost that where we can right now.

If you want more detailed informatio­n check out the excellent KonMari method, which is a system of simplifyin­g and organising your home by getting rid of items that do not bring joy into your life. It was created by Marie Kondo, whose book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying is a bestseller. Vanessa says: Ensure you attempt only one room and space at a time so you can keep order in your head.

Organise your wardrobe and prioritise what you will be wearing most by making it the most accessible.

It can be hard to part with things you’ve owned for years, even if you forgot they existed. You should divide your items into three piles: love it, bin it and donate it.

Flat surfaces, such as table-tops, home office desks and kitchen islands, are magnets for clutter. It is inevitable that things will be left there but keep it a rule not to let them build up.

Clear out drawers and insert small boxes or folders to separate items.

Once you’ve organise your wardrobe, don’t throw your old clothes back in after a few days. Fold your jumpers onto the neat pile you’ve created to maintain a constant feeling of calm.

When deciding what to keep in your kitchen, empty all your utensils from a drawer into a box for a month. Only put the utensil back into the drawer if you take it out of the box to use it.


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 ??  ?? KEEP IT TIDY: From top, storage basket, £42, www.lolaandmaw­u.com; storage stool, £57.99, www.beautify.co.uk
KEEP IT TIDY: From top, storage basket, £42, www.lolaandmaw­u.com; storage stool, £57.99, www.beautify.co.uk

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