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I’m currently reading: No Place like Home magazine. It’s a really good looking independen­t football publicatio­n, and the writing is really in-depth. I love the way that it is so random, covering all sorts of subjects from different angles – there was a brilliant feature recently about how communism in some countries actually helped their national game to flower.

I’ve been listening to: Dizzie Rascal, Pip Millet and Notorious B.I.G. I cannot work without music in the background when I’m writing, and that ranges from classical to grime. The former gets me chilled and relaxed, and then I get to a point where I put something more energetic on again, to lift me up. Music keeps me focused.

On TV, I’ve been watching: Archer and Star Trek Discovery. It’s generally drama and fictional stuff. As someone who has only been writing properly for a couple of years, I look at what is being done elsewhere, and I learn from it. I always keep a notepad with me when I’m out and about, or on the way to work, and I jot down all sorts of things, observatio­ns, conversati­ons and things that I see around me. Never when I’m socialisin­g, though – I’d like to keep my friends, thank you very much.

The live performanc­e I’d recommend is: It would be seeing Jay-Z in concert. I know you expected a play or some theatre, but I have lost count of how many times I have seen him and how good he is every time. I love my rap music and the best in the genre are the guys who tell stories, with each narrative succeeding the other, so that you get a great overall sound picture.

My next Box set is: I May Destroy You. I’ve only heard good things about this, and, as a matter of fact, I’m going out this very afternoon to buy it, and I shall binge on all eight episodes.

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