Yorkshire Post - YP Magazine

Going to ground

Pulmonaria are a weed’s worst nightmare and brighten up spring. David Overend reports.


Groundcove­r can come in many forms, but the one constant is the fact that the plant doing the covering has to be tough enough to do battle with the meanest of weeds. Big gardens sometimes use ivy to do the job; it’s quick growing, keeps low to the ground, smothers a multitude of weeds and is relatively easy to prune to keep it under control.

Smaller areas are sometimes carpeted with the likes of periwinkle, which has the added attraction of flowers.

But Pulmonaria as a ground-cover plant? It may sound silly, but don’t mock.

Many people grow lungwort, which begins to bloom as the days grow longer and there’s a hint of warmth in the air – this year flowers began to appear in January.

They also grow them because these little plants are simple to cultivate – they are very low maintenanc­e - and a joy to behold, although they can become a bit tatty, so it pays to remove seedheads and old foliage.

They keep their heads low to the ground, producing plenty of long, spotty leaves topped with clusters of tiny trumpet-like flowers. They’re mainly blue or purple but some, like P officinali­s ‘Sissinghur­st White’ (described as ‘one of spring’s first delights’) have – surprise, surprise – loads of small white blooms.

Plant them in a shady spot, or beneath deciduous trees or hedges, and they will thrive. Give them a decent, water-retentive but not waterlogge­d soil, and they should flourish for years.

They will also grow to form tightlypac­ked mats of vegetation, deterring all but the most determined of weeds. And their long, tough roots make them incredibly difficult to shift – they are ideal for binding the soil on exposed banks.

Since lungwort doesn’t come true from seed, dividing is the best method of propagatio­n. Division should be made in late spring after blooming or in early autumn. Space transplant­s 30 to 45 centimetre­s apart and provide plenty of water to help them re-establish.

The biggest drawback to Pulmonaria is hairy leaves which can cause an uncomforta­ble red rash. So handle with care; if in doubt, wear some decent gloves.

But that’s a small price to pay for being able to grow and enjoy a wonderful family of pretty plants which do so much to brighten up spring and are a weed’s worst nightmare.

 ?? ?? COVER STORY: Pulmonaria ‘Sissinghur­st White’ is one of the delights of early spring.
COVER STORY: Pulmonaria ‘Sissinghur­st White’ is one of the delights of early spring.

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