Yorkshire Post - YP Magazine



Today’s deal sees the expert declarer draw many inferences from the opening lead to land a

3NT contract in which most other declarers went off.

West led the two of spades against 3NT and declarer knew that, if it was the fourth highest lead, then West only had four spades. Declarer played low from dummy, jack from East and low from hand. East pressed on with the six of spades, top from a remaining doubleton, and declarer won in dummy with the ace of spades.

Declarer could not afford to lose the lead in this contract so needed to make the most of the diamonds. Should she hope for the 3 – 3 break in diamonds or finesse West for the jack of diamonds?

Firstly, declarer wisely decided to play out four winning hearts to see if she could get a clearer picture of the opponent’s distributi­on.

On the second round of hearts West discarded the four of clubs and this gave declarer a blue print of West’s hand. West was now known to have eight cards in the minor suits and these minors rated to be four and four. The reason being that surely West would have led a minor suit with five cards in the minor suit and not a spade.

Once declarer had finished cashing her four heart winners she played the four of diamonds to dummy’s king and then a small diamond back to the ace in hand.

Next came the eight of diamonds, low from West and declarer played the ten from dummy, finessing West’s jack. Declarer breathed a sigh of relief, cashed the queen of diamonds and had nine tricks, 3NT made.

■ Every week I teach a live online bridge class at 9.30am on Monday mornings for improvers and intermedia­tes. Each class is an hour long and fully interactiv­e so you can ask questions in the chat box. If you can’t make the time then all lessons are available in replay. Cost £8 a lesson, details on www.learnbridg­eonline.com

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