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An air of disquiet

A suspected heart attack and adult-onset asthma are two of the challenges the London Mayor Sadiq Khan has faced recently. He tells Hannah Stephenson as his new book on the climate crisis is published.

- Breathe: Tackling The Climate Emergency by Sadiq Khan, Hutchinson Heinemann, £16.99.

MAYOR of London and climate activist Sadiq Khan is considerin­g his various health issues, primarily his diagnosis of adult-onset asthma after pounding London’s roads in toxic air. But another health scare followed, namely a suspected minor heart attack in November 2021 which threatened his key appearance at the Cop26 summit, a story he recounts in his new book, Breathe: Tackling The Climate Emergency.

At a clean energy event in Glasgow the day before he was to take to the Cop26 plenary stage, he walked on to the podium but felt his chest tighten and was unable to speak. He was carried off drenched in sweat, barely conscious, he recalls in the book. Placed near a window for some fresh air, and given some chocolate canapés from the organisers, he started to feel a bit better and initially declined a trip to hospital, as he didn’t want to make a fuss and felt able to walk.

Hours later, on the insistence of his wife he was taken to A&E where, after a number of tests, he was told there was a possibilit­y that earlier that evening he’d had a minor heart attack. Khan, 52, plays down the incident today, saying he’s not sure if it was a heart attack, but that there was concern about his symptoms, given his age and profession.

“The reason I went to the hospital was because a medic reminded me of what happened to somebody I hugely admired, John Smith [former Labour leader]. He went to bed feeling a bit poorly and didn’t wake up in the morning. I wasn’t scared. I was annoyed because I’d been prepping my speech for the next day, because it was unnecessar­y stress about something that shouldn’t be stressful. In hindsight, I realise my wife was scared, my doctor was scared and I felt guilty for making everyone scared.” Today, he says he’s still not sure if it was a heart attack.

“It depends which expert you speak to. They can’t actually tell you definitive­ly whether it was or it wasn’t. The heart expert I saw said lots of things are explainabl­e but a small percentage aren’t. The key thing is to do things to make sure you’re physically fit and mentally fit and to keep an eye on th

The health scare hasn’t slowed him down, however. He’s running for a historic third term as London Mayor in 2024 and says he loves the campaign trail, meeting people from all walks of life, but won’t be running for party leadership any time soon. “Keir Starmer’s going to be the next prime minister for the next 20 years. He’ll be busy being the next Prime Minister and I’ll hopefully be busy being the Mayor for the foreseeabl­e future.”

He says his book was inspired by Ella Roberta Adoo-Kissi-Debrah, a nine-year-old girl who died in 2013 following an asthma attack and who became the first person in the UK to have air pollution listed as a cause of death.

She lived near the South Circular Road in Lewisham, south-east London. The book begins with events leading up to him being diagnosed with adult-onset asthma aged 43, after struggling to breathe when running through the polluted air of his local London streets. Before then, he’d played football on a weekly basis, trained and taken a medical before running the London Marathon in 2014 . It was only after the marathon, when he was jogging regularly near his home in Tooting – an area with high levels of air pollution – where he was constituen­cy MP, that he would find himself wheezing after a long run. That wheeze turned into a cough, which proved a problem in the run-up to the 2015 general election, underminin­g his performanc­e during live radio interviews.

“I was knocked for six. In my school there were two kids with asthma and they didn’t really play sports because of their asthma.” He now uses an asthma pump twice a day and is also on tablets, but to this day there are times when he struggles to breathe in heavily polluted environmen­ts. The former human rights lawyer still lives in Tooting, where he was born, with his family – wife Saadiya, a lawyer, and two daughters – and he worries about health consequenc­es. Has he considered moving out of London to a the cleaner countrysid­e?

“That’s one of the reasons I wrote this book. Actually, that sense of complacenc­y, that if you’re outside London the air is clean, that isn’t the case. If you live in a village and you see a car idling outside a church, that’s causing air pollution. And 99 per cent of the world is breathing in toxic air. It’s not simply a city problem.” The book charts his journey towards a greener city and a greener world, in which he details the challenges he has faced in fighting for cleaner air. He sets out seven ways in which environmen­tal action gets blown off course – and how to get it back on track.

Away from work, he still exercises regularly, running and playing tennis, walks his beloved Labrador, Luna, and spends time with family. How does he maintain a work-life balance? “If you were to speak to my wife, she would say I don’t,” he says. “I wasn’t the most popular person in my house two Christmase­s ago when I took off Christmas Eve to New Year’s Eve to write most of this book.” When asked what he considers his greatest achievemen­ts, he rattles off a train of thoughts: reducing toxic air in the city; planting almost half a million trees; building more homes. But he doesn’t like the word achievemen­ts referred to him. “When it comes to the A word (achievemen­ts) or the L word ( legacy), I think you use those when you come towards the end of your career. I’m still a fraction of the way into my career – so asked me again in 12 years’ time.”

'The reason I went to the hospital was because of what happened to John Smith. He went to bed feeling a bit poorly and didn’t wake up in the morning.’

 ?? ?? CHALLENGES: Sadiq Khan has been diagnosed with adult-onset asthma and may also have suffered a minor heart attack.
CHALLENGES: Sadiq Khan has been diagnosed with adult-onset asthma and may also have suffered a minor heart attack.

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