Yorkshire Post - YP Magazine




1 Pervades (5) 3 Completely surround or cover (6)

8 Comes out of sleep


13 Bear (5)

14 Dwell on with

satisfacti­on (5) 15 Water in Spanish


16 Adult male badger


18 Motor-driven (7) 20 Palm tree with

creeping roots (4) 21 Break into pieces


25 Having a personalit­y that is fully developed in all aspects (4-7) 27 Capable (4) 28 Suited to living in

communitie­s (6) 29 Range (5)

30 Gather (5)

32 Not forwards or

backwards (8) 34 Party held after a

funeral (4)

37 Type of green China

tea (5)

39 Items of cutlery (6) 41 Alleviate (7)

44 It compels sufferers to perform certain actions (3)

45 Small hot-tasting pod of a variety of capsicum (6) 46 Political party seeking a united republican Ireland (4,4)

47 Make by boiling and

infusing (4) 49 Jewish language (7) 51 Intense dislike (6) 53 Office of a head

monk (6) 57 Beaver-like semiaquati­c rodent (7) 58 Bluish green (4) 60 Turned loose (8) 61 Bulky and thick (6) 62 Leguminous plant (3)

63 Speedily (7) 66 Stroke (6)

68 Rings (5)

69 Small bunch of flowers (4) 70 Island off the SE coast of India (3,5) 72 Shirk (5) 76 Compose (5) 77 Island in Venice famous for its historic bridge (6) 78 Assistant to a political leader (4) 79 Caused to lose confidence or enthusiasm (11) 80 Car race run over

public roads (5) 82 Act of violence by

an unruly mob (4) 84 Person who is mean with money (7)

87 Small sheltered bay


88 Infringeme­nt of the

rules of a sport (4) 90 Sharp points or

remarks (5) 91 Rotating shaft with

handle (5) 92 Photocopy

(trademark) (5) 93 Flaw (6)

94 Charge against a

bank account (5)


1 Blubber (3)

2 Make laws (9) 4 Contest played for amusement (4) 5 Private box or enclosure in a theatre (4)

6 Did not float (4) 7 Daughters of a monarch (10) 9 Tuna of warm seas (8)

10 Liberation­s (13) 11 Lines of light (4) 12 Mutual understand­ing and harmony (7) 17 Unable to be used up (13) 19 Involuntar­y

grimace (5)

21 Made a sound like something falling into liquid (8) 22 Translucen­t form of gypsum often carved into ornaments (9) 23 Putting a stop to (7) 24 Items of headwear


26 Titles given to women with the rank of Knight Commander (5) 31 Marriage partner


33 Postal service in the Indian subcontine­nt (3)

35 Bloodsucke­r (5)

In an innovative or progressiv­e manner (9) Tastelessl­y showy (6)

Cost (5)

Rebuff, ignore or spurn disdainful­ly (4)

Came down (9) Business organisati­on or public institutio­n


50 Hebrew patriarch,

son of Jacob (6) 52 Full, deep, prolonged sound


Endorses (5)

Prank (9,4)

Loves intensely (6) Gift brought by one of the Wise Men (5) 59 Relating to belly (9) 62 Person who happens to be walking in the vicinity (6-2)

64 Rich type of soup (7) 65 Woman who has taken religious vows (3)

66 Roles in a play or

film (10) 67 Preserved (5) 69 Canopy use to slow

the rate of falling (9) 71 A person’s secondary personalit­y (5,3) 73 Eager (4)

74 Overall (5) 75 Befuddle (7) 81 Culture medium (4) 83 Pursue and kill (4) 85 Walking stick (4) 86 The sluggish flow of

a fluid (4) 89 Projection (3) 36 38

40 42

43 48 54 55 56 57

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