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Only way is forward

Influencer and podcaster Georgia Kousoulou reveals the pressures of motherhood and why she would not want her son to do reality TV. She speaks to Hannah Stephenson about her new book.

- I Wish I Knew by Georgia Kousoulou is published by Seven Dials on February 29, priced £18.99.

IN typically direct fashion, TOWIE star Georgia Kousoulou confesses that she didn’t take to motherhood quite as she expected. “When I became a mum I lost my identity a bit,” the reality show star reveals in her first book, I Wish I Knew, written after the birth of her son, Brody, which charts her journey to motherhood and how she found herself again.

She dreaded nights and the prospect of 2am feeds, struggled to connect with her baby, and felt incredibly lonely.

But Kousoulou, 32, who is married to footwear entreprene­ur Tommy Mallet, who she met on TOWIE, has found great solace through her 1.5 million Instagram followers, asking questions, and finding kindred spirits.

“I love Instagram. I’ve used it as a tool to connect with people. I’d never changed a nappy before Brody. I used Instagram to ask for tips and it’s become a community. I say how I feel and maybe I’m a bit too honest, but then other mums have done the same and it’s become a lovely space.”

Happy snapshots of her life are played out on social media – cute pictures of Brody, her marriage to Mallet in December, out on the town with friends and family – but in the book she also charts the tougher times, her parents’ divorce, the panic attacks she suffered when she was on TOWIE, and the pressure her appearance­s on the show put on her body image, leading her to take up the gym obsessivel­y.

“I was 22 when I started TOWIE andIwas very skinny back then, then I got obsessed with the gym, then it became like a competitio­n in my head about who had the best body and who wanted to get the Daily Mail headline. You think you’ll get more work if you’re in the headlines,” says the reality star.

“I did any diet I could find. Every diet. I did diet pills, every one you could imagine… I would have done anything just to be skinny,” she writes.

Cosmetic surgery followed. Kousoulou had breast enhancemen­ts and a nose job – although she says she wanted her nose done before she appeared on the show.

“I grew up in a Greek and Irish household where a lot of people around me had their nose done. I knew as a young girl I didn’t like my nose, then when I went on TV I knew I definitely didn’t like it because I had to watch myself back. I didn’t like my angle. I couldn’t stand it.”

When she finally had the surgery, she was trolled relentless­ly, she recalls. “I got so much slap for it. People called me Michael Jackson for about two years, so you can’t win with the trolls, can you?”

The taunts took a toll on her mental health, she agrees. Her surgeon told her it would take a full year to heal, but she started filming a month later even though her face hadn’t healed.

After seven years she left TOWIE in 2021 and has never looked back. Today, she’s an influencer and podcaster, stars in the ITVbe reality show Tommy & Georgia: Baby Steps, which charts the ups and downs of parenthood, and lives in an Essex mansion with her husband and son.

She says she is happier than she has ever been, and a lot of that has to do with being a mum to Brody.

In the book, she recalls her pregnancy, giving birth, the struggles of being a mother, mum guilt, baby loss – she had a miscarriag­e last year – trying for another baby, and how she is moving forward.

She miscarried at 12 weeks and says it was one of the most painful parts of the book to write, and happened while filming series four of their Baby Steps show. For some time afterwards, her main focus was to get pregnant again, but she is now trying to give herself a break.

“It’s a lot of pressure. At the moment I’m just stopping all of the pressure and enjoying life again, because I think I got so lost in the process that I forgot to enjoy what I had in front of me. Trying for a baby is one of the worst things I’ve ever done. I didn’t have to try with Brody. With the second baby, which I lost, I got pregnant very quickly. I was very blessed to be pregnant twice so quickly.

“That’s affected me because I’m thinking, why hasn’t it happened a third time? But we’ve both had fertility checks and there’s nothing wrong with us, which is great to know.”

Today, to help maintain good mental health she has a therapist. “I think it’s very important when you’re going through things that you have to talk. If I don’t talk, I’ll go downhill.”

The daughter of a millionair­e property developer, Kousoulou says she’s grateful to TOWIE for giving her the life she has now, but recognises the harm reality TV can inflict on some.

“Back then I was a bit more naïve, TOWIE was very new, there weren’t a lot of reality shows and now it’s just full of them. Now, young kids have grown up to say they want to do reality TV when they get older. To me that’s really sad.

“I love reality TV, but would I want Brody to do it? No, I wouldn’t, because it comes with a lot of pressure, and if it doesn’t work out for you, you then find yourself in a position of, what are you going to do now? And that can be hard on people’s mental health.

“I’ve been blessed and I’m very lucky that I’m still working. I’ve been in the industry for 10 years and that is rare now. People are going on these shows so quickly and then they are dropping. It can be damaging because one minute you’re high and then you’re low.”

‘People are going on these shows so quickly and then they are dropping. It can be damaging because one minute you’re high and then you’re low.’

 ?? ?? LEARNING CURVE: Reality TV star Georgia Kousoulou talks of how she copes with being a mother in her new book.
LEARNING CURVE: Reality TV star Georgia Kousoulou talks of how she copes with being a mother in her new book.

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