Yorkshire Post - YP Magazine



The Push: Murder on the Cliff Channel 4, 9pm

TV’s latest true crime documentar­y isn’t from Netflix. Instead, it’s been made by Anna Hall, the Bafta-winning director of The Family Secret, who hopes the two-part programme will raise awareness of partner abuse. Hall and her team were given access to the family of Leeds-based solicitor Fawziyah Javed during the trial of her killer, her husband, Kashif Anwar. In September 2021, he pushed her from

Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh during a break in city; she was 31 years of age and 17 weeks pregnant with her first child. ”Shining a light on this heart-breaking case is important, and I hope that others might find strength in seeing this film to make a lifesaving change in their own life,” says Alisa Pomeroy, who commission­ed the series.

Trigger Point ITV, 9pm

If you’ve spent the past few Sunday nights biting your nails down to the quick while watching this gripping series, don’t worry, they’re going to get a chance to grow back because the final episode is upon us. Lana is about to face the biggest test of her career after learning that the terrorists who have turned her profession­al life into a nightmare have one last trick up their dastardly sleeves - they intend to make her an essential part of their plot to hit the top tier of the UK’s law and order system. But it gets even worse - Lana discovers that she has an impossible choice to make too. Either she complies with her duty to preserve as many lives as possible, or concentrat­e on saving her nearest and dearest.

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