Yorkshire Post - YP Magazine




1 Angler’s equipment


6 Dark red or purplebrow­n colour (4) 8 Loudness (6)

13 Roof window (6) 14 Type of internet connection which is slower than broadband (4-2) 15 Inspecting (9) 18 Quick and energetic


19 What i.e. is an

abbreviati­on of (2,3) 20 Crucial (9)

22 Tree with lobed leaves and winged fruits (5)

23 Capital of South

Korea (5)

24 Alleviate (4) 27 Uncertain (4) 31 Vehicle mounted on

runners (4)

32 Shiny silicate mineral used as a thermal insulator (4)

37 Steals (4)

38 Cookers (5) 39 French military cap with a horizontal peak (4)

40 Right or appropriat­e for a particular person or purpose (6)

42 Settlement smaller

than a village (6) 43 One who leads prayers in a mosque (4)

44 Eccentric people (6) 45 Fast-growing evergreen Australasi­an trees (9)

49 Liveliness (6) 50 Inducement to act in

one’s favour (5) 52 Suggestion (4) 55 Solid fuel that remains after distillati­on of coal (4) 56 Acute abdominal

pain (5)

58 Routine or tedious

tasks (6)

62 Sheltered (9) 65 More excessivel­y detailed or decorated (6) 66 Manner of expression in speaking or writing (4)

67 Person who judges the merits of literary or artistic works (6) 68 Followed (6)

70 Knife (4)

71 Remove dirt from (5) 72 Type of flightless bird (4)

74 Baby carriage (4) 76 Prolonged state of deep unconsciou­sness (4) 79 Self-satisfied (4) 81 Insect stage between larva and adult (4)

85 Spheres (5)

90 Do penitence (5) 91 Formerly a desperate or reckless criminal (9) 93 Hard pieces of consolidat­ed mineral matter (5) 94 Furiously angry (5) 95 Drama serial dealing with daily events featuring recurring characters (4,5) 96 Calm down (6) 97 Process of joining or

blending (6) 98 Cartoon mouse (6) 99 Retained (4)

100 Measure of the level of success in achieving some goal (13)


1 Pair of pincers used in the delivery of babies (7) 2 Wet with

perspirati­on (6) 3 Part of a plant used to make a hot beverage (3,4) 4 Include (5)

5 Suitable to be used

as food (6) 6 Songbirds with brown streaky plumage (6) 7 Russian dramatist who wrote The Cherry Orchard (7) 9 Place where narcotics are bought and smoked (5,3) 10 Young bird of prey with a large hooked bill (6) 11 Recommende­d (7) 12 Small hammers used by auctioneer­s and judges (6) 16 Small, mischievou­s

devils or sprites (4) 17 Outstandin­g person

or thing (3) 21 Incapable of producing offspring (9)

25 Give off (4)

26 Applied a sugary

topping to (4)

28 Old shabby movie

theatre (7) 29 Shouting (7) 30 Official mark stamped on a letter (8)

33 Refuse to have commercial dealings with as a protest (7) 34 Smear with a sticky

substance (6) 35 Small, sturdy motor vehicle with fourwheel drive (4) 36 Giddy (5-6) 40 Woman who tends

ovine mammals (11) 41 Former measure of

length for textiles (3) 46 Eighth letter of the

alphabet (5) 47 Two-masted sailing

vessel (4) 48 Nocturnal lizard which has adhesive pads on the feet (5) 51 Shrub of a genus that includes holly and its relatives (4) 53 Gaining points (7) 54 Hide of a caprine

mammal (8) 57 Instances of lawbreakin­g (6) 59 Examples of things regarded as typical of their class (9) 60 Causes (a liquid) to be ejected from a small opening (7) 61 Japanese system of unarmed combat (2-5)

63 Skittle in bowling (3) 64 Hebrew patriarch (4) 68 Acquire by one’s

efforts (4)

69 Oil reservoir (4) 73 Warn of (8)

75 Falling back to a

previous state (7) 77 Mistreated (6)

78 Wail (7)

80 One following principles later developed into communism (7) 82 Young children who are poorly or raggedly dressed (7) 83 Aromatic resinous substance secreted by various plants (6) 84 Carbonated water


86 Concerning the

former USSR (6) 87 Cite as evidence (6) 88 Bovine noise (3) 89 Grumble (6) 92 Location (5)

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