Yorkshire Post - YP Magazine




1 Very small spot (5) 3 Strong alcoholic drink resembling gin (8)

7 Panache (4)

9 Name of five kings

of Norway (4) 12 Absence of culture

and civilisati­on (9) 14 Bright blue (5)

15 Full of cheerful

energy (9)

17 Make correction­s

to (a text) (5) 18 Twerp (4)

19 Halt (4)

21 Relating to audible

sound (5)

24 Young cow (6) 27 Small platform on wheels used for holding television cameras (5) 29 Female relatives (5) 32 Area within a

building (4)

33 Large celebrator­y

meal (5)

35 Female relative (3) 37 Elegant (8)

40 Red, swollen mark

left by a slap (4) 41 Abstain from food


43 Divisions of a play


45 Pitchers (5) 46 Express strong

disapprova­l of (7) 47 Choice (6)

51 Cause continuing

annoyance (6) 54 Capable of being drawn out or stretched (7) 57 Undersurfa­ce of a

person’s foot (4) 59 Heavenly body (4) 60 Catching sight of (7) 63 Confirm or support (something which has been questioned) (6) 65 Cabling (6) 68 Seized suddenly

and roughly (7) 70 Assign responsibi­lity for a fault to (5)

73 Molten rock (4) 74 Have a common

boundary with (4) 75 Period preceding

Easter (4) 76 Person or thing

added or joined (8) 79 Daughter of Loki in Norse mythology (3)

80 Poison (5) 81 Common abbreviati­on in personal ads (4) 82 Electricit­y generated by flowing water (5) 87 Not brightly (5) 88 Papal ambassador


90 Small, flat, very thin piece of something (5)

91 Musical notation

written at the start of a piece of music (4)

93 Male relatives (4) 95 Forfeit (5) 96 Violation of something religiousl­y revered (9)

97 Assisted (5) 98 Interrogat­ed about a completed mission (9) 99 Move with sudden

speed (4)

100 Ill-mannered child


101 Fish that swims in an upright position (3,5)

102 Loafer (5)


1 Sculptures representi­ng humans or animals (7)

2 Rough or harsh in texture (6) 4 Projection on a rotating part in machinery (3) 5 Axe-like tools (5) 6 Brush (5)

7 Goes beyond (7) 8 Cancelled suddenly and ruthlessly (4) 9 Dark china tea (6) 10 Affectiona­te (4) 11 Cat (5)

13 Explosive nasal sound (5)

16 Wail (4) 20 Co-operative unit (4)

22 Cuisine (7)

23 Walk for pleasure (6) 25 Traditiona­l London address of newspaper offices (5,6)

26 Deceptive

manoeuvre (4) 28 Similar to (4) 30 Twisted metal neck ornament of ancient Britons (4) 31 Diametric (5) 34 Simple and

unsophisti­cated (8) 35 Ascertain the

amount of (7)

36 US and European organisati­on formed in 1949 (4) 38 Tuft of feathers on a

bird’s head (5) 39 Crook (5)

42 With lightness of

action or effect (6) 44 Foot garment (4)

Breathing process (11)

49 Unit of land area (4) 50 Requests (4)

52 Go quickly (3) 53 Fifth sign of the

zodiac (3)

55 Cries out (8) 56 Biased (6) 58 Eccentric person (7) 61 Insert deeply (5) 62 Say hello to (5) 64 Part of the foot (4) 66 Long-faced (4) 67 Play truant (4,3) 69 Fish of the carp

family (5) 71 Dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunat­e situation (6) 72 Narrow deepbodied fish with a wide-opening mouth (4)

77 Word used in citations to indicate a name just mentioned (4) 78 Fool (4)

79 Flexible pipe (4) 82 Water pipe with a nozzle for fire hose attachment (7) 83 List of actors in a

play (4)

84 Fight with foils (5) 85 Spirit drunk in small quantities after a meal (7)

86 One who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain (6) 87 Inventor of the library book classifica­tion system, John (5) 89 Mean (6)

91 Pieces of carbonized plant matter (5)

92 Not stale or old (5) 94 Poet (4)

95 Anxious feeling (4) 98 They present radio shows that play music (3) 48

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