Yorkshire Post - YP Magazine




13 Domesticat­ed gallinaceo­us bird (4)

14 Spacious (5) 15 Legal profession­al


16 Amphibious reptile


18 Skittles (8)

19 City in central Mali


20 Boney frame (8) 23 Opening made forcibly by pulling apart (3)

25 Swiss city and lake


26 Eager interest (10) 29 Cheeky (5) 34 Bridge (4) 35 Protrusion (5) 36 Chairs (7)

37 Shrink away in submission or fear (5)

39 Russian spacemen


41 Person who cuts timber for a living (6)

42 Precipitat­ion affected by atmospheri­c pollution (4,4) 44 Thing given or done as a mark of respect (7) 46 Tobacco wrapped

for smoking (9) 48 Wheel coverings (5) 50 Exclamatio­n used to express surprise or delight (3) 53 Change the focus

or direction of (11) 54 Substance that is specially made up (11)

58 Plant by scattering on or in the earth (3)

59 German word for

please (5)

60 Not presented as

an option (9) 62 Believed in the reliabilit­y, truth, or ability of (7) 66 Global computer

network (8) 68 Looked after livestock (6)

70 First man and woman (4,3,3) 73 Tortillas with fillings (5)

74 Reversed the progress of (3,4) 75 Large quantities of written matter (5) 77 Split (4)

79 Scold (5) 81 Attempting to dupe by using a fictional online persona (10) 83 Brings to mind (6) 85 Part of the US Department of Health and Human Services (Abbrv.) (3) 88 Governs (8)

91 Aided (8) 93 Sudden unexpected event (8)

96 Huge Old

Testament sea creature (9) 97 Provoke (6) 98 Feudal superior (5) 99 Taxonomica­l class which is made up of all birds (4)


1 African antelope with thick ridged horns (4)

2 Tree of the birch family (5)

3 Came (7)

4 Dishevel (6)

5 Grass grown as a grain and forage crop (3) 6 Instrument that measures height above ground (9) 7 Insignific­ant, cheap, or worthless (3-3) 8 Benefit (4)

9 Money or food given to poor people (4) 10 Archived (5) 11 Domesticat­e (4) 12 Intense activity (6) 17 Providing supplement­ary or additional help (9) 21 19th letter of the Greek alphabet (3) 22 Cloth spread over a coffin (4)

24 Liable to give way or break (8) 27 Consisting of a single element (5) 28 18th letter of the

Greek alphabet (5) 30 In action (2,4) 31 Connecting passageway in a building (8) 32 Devices for controllin­g the flow of liquids (4) 33 Predispose­d to having mishaps (85)

35 Rhythm (4) 36 Sedimentar­y rock formed by layers of clay (5) 38 Entertaine­r who bends their body into strange positions (13) 40 Move or turn with a

circular motion (5)

Long belted tunic


45 Insects which

produce honey (4) 47 Deep covered dish

for serving soup (6) 49 Past times (4) 51 Persistent­ly

annoying person (4) 52 Clump of tiny leafy-stemmed flowerless plants


55 Appeal earnestly (5) 56 Of the highest

quality (3-5) 57 Empty of people (8) 61 Small streak of

colour (5) 63 Removed frozen

water from (2-4) 64 Symbol of

surrender (5,4) 65 Hebrew minor

prophet (4)

67 Flux density unit (5) 69 Looks at and

understand­s text (5) 71 Surpassing the

ordinary in scale (4) 72 Bits (9)

76 Region (4) 78 Student or

apprentice (7) 79 Mollusc with a rounded shell with radiating ribs (6) 80 Country pub (3) 82 Small arthropod

with six legs (6) 84 Edible bivalve

marine mollusc (6) 86 Oral cavity (5) 87 Horizontal part of a

stair (5)

89 Pronoun identifyin­g a thing close at hand (4) 90 Expanses of salt

water (4)

92 Be moodily silent (4) 94 Hard white fat on

the kidneys (4) 95 Move through the

air (3) 43

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