Yorkshire Post

Locking up woman who threw bleach ‘should act as warning’


A WOMAN who threw bleach in the face of a young model in a “spiteful and vengeful act” has been sentenced to 27 months in a young offenders’ institutio­n.

Rebecca Morris, 18, lured 17-year-old Victoria Smith to a house party in Hull and threw the substance into her eyes, mouth and hair, leaving her temporaril­y blinded.

The attack “seriously exacerbate­d” Ms Smith’s mental health problems and she attempted to commit suicide two months later, the court had been told.

The teenage model was left with possible permanent damage to her eyesight and now wears a wig.

Judge David Tremberg told Hull Crown Court: “This was an assault which was unprovoked and premeditat­ed. It was a spiteful and vengeful act.”

The judge described Ms Smith as a “young person of fragile mental health” who had received treatment for depression and obsessive compulsive disorder in the past, but managed to “live a fulfilling life”.

He said her life had changed since the attack and she now felt unable to socialise or attend college. She has said she now feels unable to model.

“She has suffered flashbacks, panic attacks and suicidal ideation. Indeed, towards the end of October last year, she attempted suicide,” Judge Tremberg said.

Morris, from Hull, who admitted throwing a corrosive liquid at an earlier hearing, has one previous conviction for common assault after brandishin­g a knife at her father. Judge Tremberg said she had learned “little or nothing” from that experience and a “worrying pattern” appeared to be emerging.

Members of her family sobbed as she was led away, but she showed no emotion.

Det Sgt Chris Coupland said the attack followed “prolonged bullying”, adding: “I hope Morris’s sentence serves as a warning to others. She’s not only been sentenced to 27 months, but also has a criminal record which could affect her future aspiration­s and job prospects.”

 ??  ?? REBECCA MORRIS: Bleach attack was described as ‘spiteful and vengeful’ by the judge.
REBECCA MORRIS: Bleach attack was described as ‘spiteful and vengeful’ by the judge.

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