Yorkshire Post

Show of solidarity from Ukip pair after feuding


UKIP’S MOST senior figures presented a united front after days of feuding about Nigel Farage’s leadership.

Mr Farage said he was “delighted” to join the party’s only MP Douglas Carswell – who has suggested that his leader should “take a break” – in supporting reform of the voting system.

Ukip’s deputy chairman Suzanne Evans, who blamed the party’s internal difficulti­es on Mr Farage’s advisers, also joined Mr Farage and Mr Carswell presenting a petition at Downing Street. The Ukip trio were part of a crossparty delegation delivering a petition organised by the Electoral Reform Society and Unlock Democracy to 10 Downing Street.

Mr Carswell said: “The case for electoral reform is strong; we can win it if we come together with a broad cross-party coalition.”

Mr Farage said the General Election results which saw Ukip and the Greens manage a single MP each showed the need for change, and added: “This campaign for electoral reform is vital, now.”

The Ukip politician­s were joined by senior figures from other parties as they delivered a 477,000-signature petition to Downing Street.

The SNP’s Westminste­r leader Angus Robertson acknowledg­ed the first-past-the-post system had delivered a landslide for his party across the Scottish seats, but said the current process was unfair.

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