Yorkshire Post

Robber jailed for attack on veteran


AN ARMED robber who attacked a 90-year-old war veteran and his wife in their home and threatened them with a gun has been jailed for more than 10 years.

Harley Newland, 22, chatted and drank tea with Eric and Joyce Davey before throttling Mr Davey and leaving his 86-year-old wife lying unconsciou­s on the floor of their Scunthorpe house in a pool of blood.

Grimsby Crown Court heard how Newland described himself in a letter to the judge as “disgusting, horrible, vile and disgracefu­l” after what he did.

Judge David Tremberg said the attack on the Daveys was “vicious and brutal” and passed an extended sentence on Newland.

The judge said he should serve 10 years and eight months but faces an extended licence period for up to 15 years.

The court heard how, during the attack, Newland produced a gun and demanded money from Mr Davey, threatenin­g to shoot his wife if he did not comply.

The court was told the defendant was motivated by greed and spent £2,700 of his “ill-gotten gains” on a Rolex watch for his wife.

Prosecutor­s said the couple’s injuries could have been fatal, irrespecti­ve of their age. They were taken to separate hospitals, where they spent their first Christmas apart in 69 years of marriage.

Mr Davey made a 999 call to the emergency services in which he can clearly be heard struggling to speak due to the damage caused to his throat by Newland.

Newland admitted robbery, possession of an imitation firearm and grievous bodily harm with intent on Mr Davey and inflicting grievous bodily harm on Mrs Davey.

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