Yorkshire Post

Corbyn is a man of principle


From: James Robson, West End, Kirbymoors­ide.

CONGRATULA­TIONS to Jeremy Corbyn. At last a conviction politician has surfaced in the muddied waters of Westminste­r.

Perhaps the catcalling Cameronian­s should note the contrast between the behaviour of their leader and the new leader of the opposition.

Armed with a resounding mandate, one has made a speech of hope and good intentions while the other has taken it upon himself to insult the biggest and best county in England.

Actually Cameron’s “joke” was one I’ve heard Yorkshire people make about themselves but woebetide outsiders who take the liberty.

“Never offend a Greek” is an ancient piece of advice I have heard and goes double about Yorkshire people. It will not be forgotten – least of all at the ballot box.

From: Don Burslam, Dewsbury. AS an outsider, I offer my opinions on Jeremy Corbyn. He is a good man and if I lived in Islington I might have voted for him though I am a Lib Dem. He is certainly a fine constituen­cy MP.

The talk now is all consensus and reaching out but how do you compromise over issues like the monarchy, Europe, Trident, nationalis­ation, welfare and Nato?

My guess is that there will be a massive split between the hard Left and the rest, or yet another fudge convincing no one.

Everyone is in favour of peace but the trouble is our opponents abroad don’t see eye to eye with us.

At heart, I think that political reality will assert itself and Mr Corbyn will be left as a footnote in history.

From: Geoffrey Estill, Whitby. I TAKE umbrage at the tone of the column by Jayne Dowle ( The Yorkshire Post, September 14).

I resent her snide remarks on Jeremy Corbyn’s history and lifestyle, particular­ly “three wives under your belt and numerous trips to ahem, troubled countries to speak of” and “you’re a teetotal vegetarian”, which have nothing to do with Mr Corbyn or the Labour Party, or us. Please keep your spiteful political thoughts to yourself and let us, the voting public decide what is best.

Judging from the photo of Ms Dowle she is “nowt but a slip of a lass, wi’ not much experience of life” and should remember that there are a growing number of us pensioners who are also thinking like Jeremy Corbyn.

I might suggest he is bringing the country out of the corporate greed, couldn’t care less, rightwing wilderness into which we were thrust by Margaret Thatcher, who sold the nation’s assets to foreign investors and us down the river. From: Phil Hanson, Baildon. THE Labour party has elected Jeremy Corbyn as leader. Good luck to them, he has a big majority.

However it is bad news for the country on a number of levels.

Corbyn has a 1970s mindset, where unions hold the balance of power and dictate policy.

He, like so many others, has never had a proper job and career outside politics – so how can he represent people?

Corbyn, as an old school Lefty, seems obsessed with the past and his supporters either see the past through rose coloured glasses or have never lived through the days of strikes, rubbish cars and dreadful service from nationalis­ed business such as GPO, British Steel and British Coal, not forgetting British Rail.

So we now know that for five years the present Government can rest assured as Labour has now lost electorate credibilit­y and lumbered itself with an unelectabl­e leader from the 1970s, one whose policies are not in the national interest.

From: Jack Brown, Lamb Lane, Monk Bretton, Barnsley.

I WATCHED and listened to coverage of Labour’s leadership elections for three-and-a-half hours. Shamefully long-winded, Tom Watson left Jeremy Corbyn with less time than the audience wanted.

It bodes ill for future relationsh­ips but Corbyn demonstrat­ed leadership and articulati­on of his supporters’ beliefs. Can he deliver organisati­on?

He is handicappe­d because he alienated the poorest in Britain with his first commitment; joining the “refugee” march outside the hall.

With his politicall­y correct protagonis­ts represente­d by Billy Bragg, and his monetarist, market antagonist­s represente­d by Tony Blair and Co., he presides over a Labour party which is like two ageing dames fighting over a Gucci handbag in Harrods’ sale.

In the wings, the feminists wail for the representa­tion they deservedly lost.

If he puts democracy where his mouth is and – like Blair and Co. did for the opposite purpose – convenes a constituti­onal conference he and we might have a chance.

From: Terry Duncan, Greame

Road, Bridlingto­n.

I AM looking forward to PMQs when David Cameron must now defend his regime of the past five years, instead of attacking the previous Labour one.

His Eton upbringing will be no match for a down-to-earth Labour leader, who is from an era that many still remember.

It’s going to make for great live television.

From: John Sherwood,

Westow, York.

NOW Jeremy Corbyn is leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition I wonder if he possesses a tie in his wardrobe?

 ??  ?? BRIAN CLOSE: Readers have joined the tributes to the cricketer who captained Yorkshire and England and was known as a fearless batsman.
BRIAN CLOSE: Readers have joined the tributes to the cricketer who captained Yorkshire and England and was known as a fearless batsman.

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