Yorkshire Post

Bulls confident of successful appeal


Bradford Bulls have played down the significan­ce of another windingup petition.

The former Super League champions, who spent two spells in administra­tion in 2012 and 2014, are the subject of a claim for monies owed to HM Revenue & Customs, whose winding-up petition is due be heard at the High Court in London on September 5.

However, the club issued a statement in which they labelled HMRC’s actions unfair.

“The club were subject to a VAT assessment, which was appealed three months ago,” they said.

“This appeal is on-going and we believe HMRC have acted unfairly in respect of the assessment and the issuing of the petition.

“The club is confident it will succeed on appeal against the assessment and do not envisage this as a long-term problem.”

The news comes on the back of the Bulls’ failure to reach the Super 8s Qualifiers after finishing outside the top four in the Championsh­ip.

On Tuesday, chairman Marc Green attempted to allay apprehensi­on among supporters by insisting the club will remain full-time as they prepare for a third season in the second tier.

Yesterday’s statement added: “Once again, we are sorry if, in light of the scaremonge­ring earlier this week, this has caused any further concern.”

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