Yorkshire Post

Words of the week


MO Farah U are simply the Best Athlete Team GB has ever seen! Absolutely FAN TAB UL O US& Awesome! Congrats 4 the Double Double! BF Rt: now SIR MO. – Tweet by John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York, after Mo Farah completed the double double at the Rio Olympics.

I’VE never been in the top three of Sports Personalit­y. And I won’t be in the top three again. You have just got to accept what it is. – Mo Farah on public recognitio­n.

THE eighth wonder of the world. – Athletics commentato­r Steve Cram pays tribute to Mo Farah.

IT is comforting to have another woman in No 10 who knows who is boss and is not a publicity hound. – Sir Bernard Ingham, writing in The Yorkshire Post on Wednesday.

BORDERS between countries are the worst invention ever made by politician­s. – European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.

DONALD Trump is a racist, he’s a misogynist, he’s a horrible person. – Singer Cher on the Republican hopeful for the White House, whom she likened to Stalin and Hitler.

WHAT you won’t get from me is some lunatic at the top of the Labour Party. – Owen Smith, who is challengin­g Jeremy Corbyn for the leadership of the Labour Party.

LAST time I saw Jeremy Corbyn surrounded by this many empty seats he was delivering a statement in Parliament. – Tweet from Sean Kemp over the Labour leader’s contested claim that a Virgin train was “ram-packed” and he had to sit on the floor.

WHY don’t I have any tattoos? For the same reason you don’t put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari. – Dame Joan Collins, 83.

ENOUGH, now come home. It’s your turn to put the bins out”. – Cricket broadcaste­r Jonathan Agnew’s wife Emma after seeing a photo of him drinking a cocktail under a palm tree at the Rio Olympics.

WHY are they doing this sort of thing? They must be desperate. Nothing to do with me. Let them get on with it ... Remind me to switch off, please. – Actress Patricia Routledge, who played Hyacinth Bucket in the sitcom Keeping Up Appearance­s, attacking the BBC plan to revive the show.

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