Yorkshire Post




1. Vote in (5) 6. Closes (5) 9. Art of paper

folding (7) 10. Untidy (5) 11. Egg-shaped (5) 12. Ski slope (5) 13. Reveal, disclose

(3,4) 15. Thick mist (3) 17. Yes votes (4) 18. Great fear (6) 19.Scrumpy, for

example (5) 20. Exciting event (6) 22. Petty lies (4) 24. Transgress­ion (3) 25. Thins down (7) 26. Boy’s name (5) 27. Pacific, for

example (5) 28. In abeyance,

pending (2,3) 29.Fabric, cloth (7) 30. Javelin (5) 31. Antelope (5)


2. Room for

manoeuvre (6) 3. World or universe

(6) 4. Attempt (3) 5. Once more (5) 6. Stifle (7) 7. Bee structure (4) 8. Skin decoration

(6) 12. Danger (5) 13. Continues (5) 14. To pine (5) 15. Avocado, for

example (5) 16. Twelve dozen (5) 18.Lukewarm (5) 19.Mrs Mop (7) 21. Minor difficulty,

informally (6) 22. Ship’s

smokestack (6) 23. Signal fire (6) 25.Grubby (5) 26. Info (4) 28.Spanish cry (3)

SOLUTION TO QUICK PUZZLE NO. 8511: Across: 3 Keeps; 8 Sober; 10 Riser; 11 Lav; 12 Lever; 13 Fatigue; 15 Fed up; 18 Our; 19 Tenure; 21 Butcher; 22 Owls; 23 Mean; 24 Reacted; 26 Eraser; 29 Hid; 31 Natal; 32 Recital; 34 Paper; 35 Cur; 36 Limit; 37 Cabin; 38 Debts. Down: 1 Solar; 2 Devious; 4 Epee; 5 Prefer; 6 Siren; 7 Femur; 9 Bat; 12 Lurcher; 14 Gut; 16 Duped; 17 Penny; 19 Teacher; 20 Doyen; 21 Bleat; 23 Medical; 24 Relate; 25 Tic; 27 Ratio; 28 Sapid; 30 Paris; 32 Rest; 33 Tub.

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