Yorkshire Post

MPs to consider scrutiny reforms

- JAMES REED POLITICAL EDITOR Email: james.reed@ypn.co.uk Twitter: @JamesReedY­P

The Rotherham abuse scandal has highlighte­d shortcomin­gs in the way councils are held to account, MPs have said.

The Community and Local Government Committee has launched an inquiry into whether reforms are needed to the way the actions of councils are scrutinise­d.

THE ROTHERHAM abuse scandal has highlighte­d shortcomin­gs in the way councils are held to account, according to MPs.

An inquiry has been launched by MPs over whether reforms are needed to the way the actions of councils are scrutinise­d.

The Community and Local Government Committee of MPs has begun the investigat­ion in the wake of a series of scandals to hit councils.

The failings of Rotherham Council, in particular over child abuse in the town, ultimately led to the resignatio­n of two council leaders and the Government sending in commission­ers to run the authority.

But those actions followed reports by external inspectors and the MPs’ inquiry will focus on why serious problems in councils are not being exposed by the routine process of senior councillor­s and officers being held to account.

Clive Betts, chairman of the Communitie­s and Local Government Committee and the MP for Sheffield South-East, said: “This inquiry is long overdue.

“Local authority executives have more powers than ever before but there has not been any review about how effectivel­y the current overview and scrutiny arrangemen­ts are working since they were introduced in 2000.

“Local authoritie­s have a considerab­le degree of discretion when it comes to overview and scrutiny.

“We will examine these arrangemen­ts and consider what changes may be needed to ensure decision-makers in councils and local services are better held to account.”

Over the last 15 years councils have undergone major changes in the way they run their affairs.

Prior to a change in the law in 2000, council business was largely carried out through a series of cross-party committees.

However, the committee structure was seen as difficult for the public to understand and blamed for slow decision-making.

Government reforms led to councils taking on a cabinet-style structure with senior councillor­s taking most decisions with their actions scrutinise­d by committees and the full council.

A change in the law five years ago gave councils the freedom to move back to the old system but few have done so and the vast majority of Yorkshire councils continue to use an executive-type structure.

The MPs’ inquiry will look at the role of scrutiny committees in councils and how independen­t they are of those whose actions they are examining.

It will consider how councillor­s are appointed to scrutiny committees and whether they have the necessary expert advice and enough powers to demand witnesses give evidence.

The role of council officers helping scrutiny committees will also be examined.

Areas including West and South Yorkshire have created combined authoritie­s in recent years, bodies which bring together councils to take decisions on cross-border issues such as transport and skills.

However, some councillor­s have argued the scrutiny of combined authoritie­s has not kept pace with the powers they now wield.

Rotherham Council had its powers removed in 2015 following a damning report from Dame Louise Casey. Under a new chief executive and political leadership, the council has steadily had powers returned and the role of commission­ers scaled back.

Child protection and elderly care are among the areas where the commission­ers remain in control.

Local authority executives have more powers than ever before Clive Betts, chairman of the Communitie­s and Local Government Committee

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