Yorkshire Post

Ministers move swiftly to back legal process


THE INDEPENDEN­CE of judges was defended by Ministers yesterday in what appeared to be a determined effort to head off criticism of the Supreme Court by Leave supporters.

Attorney General Jeremy Wright thanked the justices immediatel­y after the ruling for hearing the case and stressed it was “appropriat­e” for it to have been decided by the highest court in the land.

Expressing disappoint­ment at the judgment, he said Britain had the “good fortune” to be a country where everyone was subject to the law, including the Government.

Justice Secretary Liz Truss quickly followed suit with a statement in defence of the legal process.

She said: “Our independen­t judiciary is the cornerston­e of the rule of law and is vital to our constituti­on and our freedoms.

“The reputation of our judiciary is unrivalled the world over, and our Supreme Court justices are people of integrity and impartiali­ty.

“While we may not always agree with judgments, it is a fundamenta­l part of any thriving democracy that legal process is followed.

“The Government has been clear that it will respect the decision of the court.”

Last year’s High Court ruling that the Government did not have the power to begin the process of leaving the European Union without the approval of Parliament led to attacks on the judges involved who were branded “enemies of the people” by one newspaper.

Shadow Justice Secretary Richard Burgon, the Leeds East MP, said Ms Truss’s statement yesterday was made “under pressure” following criticism of her lacklustre defence of the judiciary last year.

Two days after the ruling last year Ms Truss issued a statement saying the independen­ce of the judiciary is the “foundation upon which our rule of law is built”.

Brexit Secretary David Davis also stressed the Government’s support for the legal system as he responded to the Supreme Court ruling.

He told MPs the Government “value the independen­ce of our judiciary, the foundation upon which the rule of law is built”.

The UK Independen­ce Party will today call for MPs to play a greater role in the appointmen­t of judges.

Ukip Welsh Assembly member Mark Reckless and justice spokesman Peter Jewell will argue the move would give greater public confidence and improve diversity among judges.

 ??  ?? LIZ TRUSS: ‘Our independen­t judiciary is the cornerston­e of the rule of law’ said Justice Secretary.
LIZ TRUSS: ‘Our independen­t judiciary is the cornerston­e of the rule of law’ said Justice Secretary.

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