Yorkshire Post

‘Projects at risk in U-turn on replacing EU cash’

MP Dan Jarvis hits out over broken promises

- JAMES REED POLITICAL EDITOR Email: james.reed@jpress.co.uk Twitter: @yorkshirep­ost

MINISTERS HAVE no plans to replace millions of pounds Yorkshire receives to support the economy from the European Union despite promises made during last year’s referendum, it can be revealed.

A senior Treasury Minister has also confirmed the Government will impose extra rules that tighten Whitehall’s grip on how EU funding is spent in Yorkshire ahead of Brexit.

Vote Leave campaigner­s, including Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and Internatio­nal Developmen­t Secretary Priti Patel, signed a letter during the referendum campaignin­g promising areas which receive significan­t EU funding would not lose out if Britain voted to leave the EU.

In the aftermath of the referendum, the Government promised to honour funding agreements signed before Britain leaves.

But Chief Secretary to the Treasury David Gauke has now set out new rules which critics warn could be used to prevent projects going ahead.

In response to questions from Barnsley Central MP Dan Jarvis, Mr Gauke also failed to make any commitment on replacing the financial help to English regions after Britain leaves the EU.

Yorkshire has historical­ly been one of the biggest recipients of EU cash and was due to receive more than £600m in the current funding round.

Mr Jarvis said: “As Britain leaves the EU, the challenge is now to secure the best possible deal for the country and for us here in Yorkshire.

“Over the life of this Parliament, Yorkshire and the Humber was due to receive over £100m a year in funding from the EU. The fact that Boris Johnson and a dozen other Tory MPs felt the need to sign a letter pledging to protect this funding shows how important an issue this is.

“I am concerned that Government Ministers have now gone back on their pledge to protect those in Yorkshire currently receiving EU funding. Our transition out of the EU will be uncertain enough without the additional pressures of broken promises.

“The North of England was once the economic powerhouse of Britain. If, after Brexit, it is to become that again, the Government must guarantee the funding and so enable us to build for the future.”

In his response to Mr Jarvis’s parliament­ary question on EU funding, Mr Gauke reiterates the Government’s commitment to honour funding agreements signed before Britain leaves the EU. But he adds that two conditions must be met – that they “are good value for money” and “are in line with domestic strategic policies”.

Mr Gauke fails to give any commitment beyond Brexit, saying: “Leaving the EU means we will want to take our own decisions about how to deliver the policy objectives previously targeted by EU funding.

“We will consult closely with stakeholde­rs to review all EU funding schemes in the round, to ensure that any ongoing funding commitment­s best serve the UK‘s national interest, while ensuring appropriat­e investor certainty.”

The North of England was once the economic powerhouse of Britain. Dan Jarvis, Barnsley Central MP.

From: Robert G Davis, Hawkcliffe View, Silsden.

YOU do not have to be a genius to work out why the NHS is in such a mess, or why there are not enough houses available and why schools are being so stretched.

The simple reason for all this mess is that there are too many people in this country. Until we control immigratio­n, it will not be resolved (Steve Ballinger, The Yorkshire Post, February 9).

Why is it that politician­s always appear to be the last people to see the obvious? This should not just include immigratio­n from EU citizens but also, and more importantl­y, citizens from further afield.

I note, February 6, that the Minister responsibl­e for the NHS, Jeremy Hunt, has at last announced, that as from April this year, all non-UK citizens should pay for their treatment, just as we UK citizens,by way of our taxes.

This policy should have been made law years since. It is like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.

One good idea I heard was that part of entrance regulation­s to the UK should include mandatory health insurance to cover for potential medical costs whilst a visitor is in the UK.

If we, as UK citizens, travel anywhere outside the UK, we are strongly advised to purchase health insurance. If we do not have insurance, then we must pay, there and then.

I know this from experience when hospitalis­ed during a holiday in France. Even though I had a European Health Insurance Card. I had to pay part of the costs, which I must admit, did surprise me.

I had no choice as the treatment was necessary.

I also cut my holiday short to continue my treatment back in the UK to avoid further costs to me.

I have listened to all the counter arguments, mainly from do-gooders and left wing politician­s who do not live in the “real world”. Most of their arguments are not worth a mention, never mind being listened to!

I also strongly agree with the notion that all potential immigrants should be taught English. Most European immigrants, who I have met and worked with, at least try to speak our language whereas there are many others who still insist on speaking their mother tongue, even after being in this country for many years.

To be accepted as an immigrant, a person must contribute to our society – both socially and financiall­y. Until this happens, this country will continue to be in the mess that it is and has been for some time.

 ??  ?? DAVID GAUKE: His new rules could be used to prevent schemes going ahead, critics warn.
DAVID GAUKE: His new rules could be used to prevent schemes going ahead, critics warn.

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