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Bill Carmichael: Mr Speaker’s weasel words on Trump

PaulFunder. All opposition to the Trump is valuable, no matter from where it comes.

Andy in the South. It is way past time when this Speaker resigned and we got someone who was politicall­y neutral to replace him. Lindsay Hoyle, who is currently the senior Deputy Speaker, would make a great replacemen­t as he has both the necessary wit and humility to do the job well, unlike both John Bercow and his predecesso­r Michael Martin.

Eugene Morice. The Tories have been desperate to shift John Bercow for some time. William Hague’s last act as a Parliament­arian in 2015 was a shoddy and ill-conceived attempt to change the rules by which the Speaker is elected, and which met with ignominiou­s failure. All this comes as no surprise.

Gary Woolton. It is a rant Trump himself would be proud of. Personal, abusive and yes hypocritic­al. No matter John Bercow was almost certainly wrong to air his views, Mr Carmichael has done the equivalent of a Trump “so called” tweet. In other words, lowly cowardice. David Lee. We live in a democracy supposedly, surely Donald Trump should be allowed the privilege of addressing the Commons? If people disagree with his views, they can either debate or stamp their feet which seems the current norm. Janis Symons. Do the job within the remit or be voted out. Steve Kirk. Brilliant speech by Bercow. It’s a pity the other careerist members haven’t got the same integrity. I applaud him. June Howard. Did right to speak his mind. Michael Byatt. This selfimport­ant little worm needs to go. Angela Yates. Not ‘Mr Popularity’, is he? There won’t be too many tears when he departs. Chris Jones. Even if out of order, saying what most of the Commons think! Sue Hewitson. Free speech springs to mind but I say bring back Betty Boothroyd! She would keep everybody in check. Stephen Slaney. Marching

orders required. Suzie DeVille. Wants sacking.

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