Yorkshire Post

Station plan falls short


From: Shaun Kavanagh, Leeds.

READING Tom Richmond’s recent report on the proposed station near Leeds Bradford Airport (The Yorkshire Post, March 4), it is absolutely right for Greg Mulholland MP to challenge Leeds City Council (LCC) chief executive Tom Riordan.

LCC admits it will fall short of actually taking passengers to the terminal building, thereby requiring passengers to alight the train to continue their journey on another vehicle. In reality a rail link which is only a part link will be farcical.

Not only will it cost millions, it will likely create mayhem in the process and probably ruin the lives of those who will suffer from the council’s compulsory purchasing of properties along the route in order to facilitate the rail link.

Furthermor­e, LCC’s city developmen­t director, Martin Farrington, states some of Mr Mulholland’s 14 questions cannot be answered until Government cash is in the council’s bank. How can that be?

Martin Farrington’s inability to provide the answers typifies the continual failings of LCC by whichever department is involved.

To consider the provision of a rail link is, in itself, good but not the recently published proposed link which falls short of the requiremen­ts of travellers to the airport.

The proposed rail link will not provide a 100 per cent service and will be as useful as a chocolate fireguard.

 ??  ?? OUT OF TOUCH: Baroness Chakrabart­i represents a Labour party that despises its core voters.
OUT OF TOUCH: Baroness Chakrabart­i represents a Labour party that despises its core voters.

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