Yorkshire Post

Why do we turn backs on green energy?


From: Jenny Gardner, St James’ Road, Bridlingto­n.

SCOTTISH Renewable policy director, Jenny Hogan, says that the UK Government is refusing to allow onshore wind and solar energy to bid against fossil fuel companies for long-term contracts to supply electricit­y.

Onshore wind and solar are the two cheapest forms of green electricit­y. To refuse access to these contracts will result in a marked slowdown in investment and a decrease in employment. Renewable energy reduces greenhouse gases causing climate change.

Why, then, is our Government turning its back on renewable energy and pushing fracking on the British people when they have clearly voted in district and county councils that they do dot want this unsafe, untested industry?

We have elected political representa­tives that are not representi­ng the majority of the people in this country and most definitely not in Yorkshire, where it seems the whole of the county is to become a gas field, in which the people are expected to live.

Tens of thousands of wells are to be drilled, with no social licence over pristine countrysid­e. Reports coming out of other countries show that the toxic cocktail of water and chemicals injected at high pressure contaminat­es the water, air and land, with disastrous results on the health of animals, humans and crops, not to mention tourism.

Australia has now decided to ban it. Scotland and Wales have a moratorium, I believe.

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