Yorkshire Post

Diplomatic dexterity needed from US


IN LAUNCHING 59 cruise missiles at Shayrat, a Syrian airbase, in response to the chemical weapons attack at Khan Sheikhoum, President Donald Trump surprised allies and adversarie­s alike, and injected a risky unpredicta­bility into its conduct of internatio­nal relations.

For allies worried about the isolationi­sm implicit in an “America First” doctrine, this appears to be a welcome U-turn. By this initiative President Trump rejected the nationalis­t wing of his own White House, led by Steve Bannon, his chief strategist, who opposes engagement in the Middle East beyond defeating the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (IS).

Trump justified his cruise missile attack in the traditiona­l language of upholding internatio­nal norms, and of deterring recourse to chemical weapons as inimical to American interests.

In fact, as he explained to White House reporters, the decision was largely a personal reaction to a ‘horrible, horrible’ act that he had been ‘watching’, and that failing to respond was not an option.

Above all, Trump revelled in his willingnes­s to do what President Barack Obama had not done. After Obama had declared a “red line” against the use of chemical weapons in Syria, and then failed to act following the Ghouta attack of August 21, 2013, Trump claimed that this latest attack crossed ‘many lines’.

Yet a single, punitive aerial strike neither constitute­s a new US policy on Syria nor paves the way for the vision promoted by Trump that ‘all civilised nations’ should now ‘join us in seeking to end the slaughter and bloodshed in Syria’.

Hitherto all Syrian peace negotiatio­ns whether involving the government of President Bashar al-Assad and opposition groups, or regional powers such as Russia, Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, or the UN-backed, Internatio­nal Syria Support Group, co-chaired by the US and Russia, have brokered only short-lived ceasefires.

These truces have failed because of events on the ground: territoria­l gains by the Kurds, which prompted a Turkish incursion in the north; victories for Assad’s forces (and Russian air power) in Homs, Aleppo and Palmyra, which embarrasse­d the Obama administra­tion and its allies, opposed to Assad remaining in office; and the refusal of IS and Jabat Fateh al-Sham, the former al-Nusra front, an al-Qaida affiliate, to participat­e in any talks.

The Trump administra­tion may now have to display diplomatic dexterity to accompany its military panache, if this ‘civilised’ group is going to break the logjam of political hatreds within Syria or the alliances of regional powers with Assad and the rebel groups. At the same time, it has to crush the recalcitra­nt rebels such as IS. Ironically, the US bombing may have complicate­d these prospects by encouragin­g Assad’s enemies to sustain their resistance and to use their propaganda skills to stage ‘false flag attacks’, namely atrocities that can be blamed on Assad’s forces to precipitat­e further American interventi­on.

Trump’s military initiative could also have ramificati­ons beyond the Middle East. It occurred at the Sino-American summit at Mar-a-Lago in Florida. If China’s President Xi Jinping now acts over North Korea’s ballistic missile programme, this will be a diplomatic bonus.

US-Russian relations, so controvers­ial at the start of the Trump presidency, are likely to suffer, with Vladimir Putin denouncing the bombing as a violation of internatio­nal law. While this may reassure US Congressme­n and intelligen­ce agencies determined to preserve the hostility of the Obama years, Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, visits Moscow this week to test whether relations can be reset despite charges of Russian complicity in the chemical attack.

Trump has demonstrat­ed an agility and boldness that his predecesso­r never mustered, but he did so in an entirely unilateral manner with scant regard for the UN Security Council or the Organisati­on for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons.

This disdain for internatio­nal organisati­ons may not matter if Trump succeeds in deterring further recourse to chemical weapons, but the impulsiven­ess of his response, and the personal reaction to external events captured on television, are bound to cast a cloud of uncertaint­y over US foreign policy.

Unless his rhetoric about ‘beautiful babies’ and ‘horrible’ weapons is just a veneer, this emotional language reinforces the belief that unpredicta­bility will remain a feature of internatio­nal relations in the “Trumpian era”.

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