Yorkshire Post

Gun battle militants in revenge attack plan


SIX ISLAMIC militant suspects killed in a stand-off with police were planning to attack officers in Indonesia’s East Java province in revenge for the arrest of a radical leader, authoritie­s have said.

The men were cornered in a village in Tuban district on Saturday after attempting to shoot a traffic officer who approached their car which was stationary at the roadside, national police spokesman Rikwanto said.

The six refused appeals to surrender during a stand-off that lasted several hours and were shot dead by police, said Rikwanto, who goes by a single name.

On Friday, anti-terror police arrested three suspected militants who were allegedly planning to attack a police station in East Java.

Among those arrested was Zainal Anshori, a senior figure of Jemaah Anshorut Daulah, an umbrella group of Indonesian extremists that claims allegiance to the Islamic State terror group.

Rikwanto said Anshori had orchestrat­ed Saturday’s planned attack. “They had acted on Anshori’s order as a revenge of his arrest,” he said, citing police interrogat­ion of other arrested militants.

Police said they seized dozens of rounds of ammunition, several firearms, knives, jihadi books and a car used by the men.

Muslim-majority Indonesia has carried out a sustained crackdown on militants since the 2002 Bali bombings by al Qaida-affiliated radicals that killed 202 people, mostly foreigners.

A new threat has emerged in the past several years from IS sympathise­rs.

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