Yorkshire Post

Shock as senior councillor­s quit

- BEN BARNETT NEWS CORRESPOND­ENT Email: ben.barnett@jpress.co.uk Twitter: @benbthewri­ter

Six senior members of Ryedale District Council have resigned from the controllin­g Conservati­ve group in a row with the party associatio­n.

Coun Linda Cowling, leader for the past six years, has quit with councillor­s John Raper, Janet Frank, Eric Hope and David Cussons and Snowy Windress.

SIX SENIOR members of Ryedale District Council – including its leader – have resigned from the controllin­g Conservati­ve group after threats of suspension from the constituen­cy party associatio­n.

Coun Linda Cowling, a member of the council for 26 years and its leader for the past six years, has quit the party, plus four former council chairmen – councillor­s John Raper, Janet Frank, Eric Hope and David Cussons – and council planning committee chairman, Coun Snowy Windress.

Coun Cowling, who represents Pickering, said all six were now part of the council’s independen­t group and believed that other Tory members were also considerin­g their positions.

It leaves the council with no overall control, with 13 Conservati­ves, 11 independen­ts, four Liberals, and two Liberal Democrats.

Coun Cowling said the dispute between the Conservati­ve group and the Thirsk and Malton Conservati­ve Associatio­n, was triggered by the controver- sy over Coun Raper voting twice in a debate last autumn when he pressed his own electronic device to vote on a motion regarding the timing of council meetings – and then pressed that of a neighbouri­ng Coun Cussons, who was absent from the meeting.

Coun Cowling said: “Coun Raper was discipline­d and we believed that was the end of the matter but the constituen­cy associatio­n said it wanted to interview both Coun Raper and Coun Cussons.”

Coun Raper did not attend a hearing meeting as he was at Buckingham Palace to receive an MBE for services to agricultur­e. Both Coun Raper and Coun Cussons were then told they were being suspended from the Conservati­ve Party pending expulsion.

Coun Cowling said the situation was “a great shame”, adding: “Under the Conservati­ve administra­tion the council has made great strides in attracting big new investment, creating many hundreds of new jobs and generally taking the district forward. But the associatio­n’s behaviour is not what the public expect. I have no idea what the thinking is behind the associatio­n’s decision to suspend not only Coun Raper and Coun Cussons but also myself.”

She added: “To have created this crisis in the party right on the county council elections is unbelievab­le.”

Coun Cowling, who remains council leader until the authority’s annual meeting in May, said she was still backing Tory candi- dates Greg White, of Pickering, and Coun Val Arnold in the Helmsley and Kirkbymoor­side divisions, and helping their election campaign.

Coun Frank said she resigned out of loyalty to Coun Cussons, adding: “It’s the assocation’s job to support councillor­s and they have not done that.”

Baroness Anne McIntosh, who was de-selected as MP for Thirsk and Malton prior to the 2015 General Election, said she believed the councillor­s’ suspension was “completely ultra vires – flouting the rules of the associatio­n which clearly state reasons must be given and supporting documents provided for any suspension. None were provided”.

She added: “It is no coincidenc­e that all these excellent councillor­s supported me during my troubles. I admire them and what they have done in their work as councillor­s in the interests of Ryedale.”

A spokesman for the Thirsk and Malton Conservati­ve Associatio­n said: “The associatio­n very much regrets that some members of the Conservati­ve group feel no longer able to be part of it and their resignatio­ns from the Conservati­ve Party have been accepted.”

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