Yorkshire Post

Corbyn says he will continue to run allotment


JEREMY CORBYN has said he will not give up his allotment if he becomes Prime Minister.

The Labour leader said he believed he would be able to fit in time for digging, planting and pruning around his busy schedule at 10 Downing Street.

And he said that working on the allotment would help him as PM by giving him “time to think”.

Vegetarian Mr Corbyn has long tended a plot in East Finchley, near his home. Asked whether there was any part of him which would prefer to be on the allotment rather than in Number 10, he said: “It’s possible to do both.”

FOREIGN SECRETARY Boris Johnson has dismissed Jeremy Corbyn as “a guy who has campaigned all his life to weaken the UK’s defences”.

Mr Johnson spoke out on the day Mr Corbyn accused Theresa May of “pandering” to Donald Trump during a speech in which the Labour leader insisted he was “not a pacifist”.

Speaking during a Conservati­ve Party campaign visit to an indoor market in Newport, south Wales, Mr Johnson said: “I am genuinely worried about some of the things Jeremy Corbyn stands for and believes in.

“This is a time of great uncertaint­y in the world. We have Russia causing all sorts of trouble in eastern Europe and elsewhere, not least Syria.

“We have a global threat from terrorism and we have to be firm, we have to support Nato and we have to have a very robust response to the threat of terrorism.

“Jeremy Corbyn is a guy who has campaigned all his life to weaken the UK’s defences.

“He thinks Nato is nonsense. I think he is still the chair of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmamen­t and I find it genuinely alarming that just last month when we sent the advanced forward presence to shore up our friends in the Baltic and UK troops went to Estonia, he said that was an escalation of tensions.

“What this country needs is a strong, clear and robust approach to our defences and I am afraid Jeremy Corbyn’s approach is chaotic and offers the reverse.”

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