Yorkshire Post

Officer facing hearing is named


POLICE HAVE completed a U-turn over naming an officer facing a misconduct hearing.

PC Gordon Underwood, who previously worked in licensing for Humberside Police, pleaded guilty at Hull Magistrate­s on March 23 to being drunk and disorderly and obstructin­g a constable.

On Wednesday details of the hearing and the officer’s name were given by Humberside Police, but the force later said he would be anonymous.

Yesterday police said PC Underwood could be named. PC Underwood was fined £300 for the offence of obstructin­g a constable. He also had to pay a victim surcharge of £30 and prosecutio­n costs of £85. There was no separate penalty for the drunk and disorderly charge.

Both offences took place in Hull on February 15.

A further charge of assaulting a police officer on the same date was withdrawn. The disciplina­ry hearing will take place at Humberside Police headquarte­rs in Priory Road, Hull, next Friday at 10am.

The latest statement on the force’s website reads: “The allegation is that an officer – who can now be named as PC Gordon Underwood – engaged in conduct that amounted to a breach of the Standards of Profession­al Behaviour in respect of Discredita­ble Conduct contrary to the Police (Conduct) Regulation­s 2012.

“The allegation relates to the officer receiving a criminal conviction at Hull Magistrate­s Court.”

Up to six members of the public can attend the hearing. Anyone who wishes to do so should email PSBAdmin@humberside. pnn.police.uk, with their name, date of birth, address, and telephone number.

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