Yorkshire Post

Pressure grows to allow same-sex marriages


SCOTLAND’S POLITICAL leaders have issued a joint call for the introducti­on of same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland.

First Minister and SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon, Scottish Conservati­ve leader Ruth Davidson, Labour’s Kezia Dugdale, Patrick Harvie from the Green Party and Liberal Democrat Willie Rennie all voiced support for a law change across the Irish Sea.

Their interventi­on comes ahead of a major demonstrat­ion by gay rights activists in Belfast today.

The region is the only part of the UK and Ireland where samesex marriage remains outlawed.

The issue is one of a series of sticking points holding up the formation of a new power sharing government at Stormont.

The Democratic Unionist Party’s (DUP) opposition to changing the law has attracted increased scrutiny across the UK since the party became the UK Government’s kingmaker at Westminste­r. Ms Sturgeon said she was proud that gay marriage had been introduced in Scotland.

“The debate over equal marriage in Scotland did more than just simply allow people to marry, it also helped to challenge negative attitudes that still exist today in our society towards LGBTI people and show, quite simply, that same-sex couples are just as valued as opposite-sex couples,” she said.

“I offer my support to those continuing the campaign for marriage equality in Northern Ireland.”

Scottish Tory leader Ms Davidson said: “I’m proud to support those campaignin­g for marriage equality and I’m optimistic that this is a battle that can be won.

“Equal marriage isn’t about one religion or country or community. It’s much simpler than that. At its heart, equal marriage is about the people of Northern Ireland being afforded the same rights as everybody else.

“So as thousands march in Belfast this Saturday, I have this message for them. Change is coming. And it’s a change for the better.”

 ??  ?? Damian Green, left, with Prime Minister Theresa May, said creating a new ‘City Conservati­sm’ was a challenge for his party.
Damian Green, left, with Prime Minister Theresa May, said creating a new ‘City Conservati­sm’ was a challenge for his party.

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