Yorkshire Post

I didn’t know colleague was filming couple from helicopter, says police officer


A POLICE officer who was in a force helicopter when a couple were filmed having sex in their garden has told a jury he did not see their antics and did not know his colleague was recording them.

Matthew Lucas, 43, admitted he was in the front passenger seat of the South Yorkshire Police helicopter when footage was shot of the couple having sex in a number of positions on their patio.

The 11-minute long footage has been shown to a jury at Sheffield Crown Court on a number of occasions during the trial of Lucas and three of his colleagues.

Giving evidence, the officer said he had very little recollecti­on of the flight but did recall seeing a naked woman with a man for a “matter of seconds”.

He said his colleague in the back seat, Pc Adrian Pogmore, must have done the filming.

The jury has heard how Pogmore, of Whiston, Rotherham, who has admitted misconduct in a public office, knew the couple through his involvemen­t in the “swinging scene”.

Asked by his barrister, Paul Greaney QC, if he saw “any of the actual sex”, Lucas, of Coppice Rise, Chapeltown, Sheffield, said: “I did not”. He said Pogmore was operating the camera and the crew was concentrat­ing on searching for nuisance motorbikes.

Lucas said he cannot recall exactly what he said at the time he glimpsed the naked woman but agreed it was something like: “Oh my god, Poggy.” He said he then went back to concentrat­ing on the nuisance bike operation.

Lucas was asked by Mr Greaney: “Did you do anything at all to assist Adrian Pogmore in what he was doing?” He replied: “Absolutely not”.

Lucas is on trial with fellow police officer Lee Walls, 47, of Southlands Way, Aston, and two pilots – Matthew Loosemore, 45, of Briar Close, Auckley, Doncaster and Malcolm Reeves, 64, of Farfield Avenue, Knaresboro­ugh. They all deny misusing the South Yorkshire Police helicopter by using it to film people inappropri­ately.

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