Yorkshire Post

Doctor in sex images case has been working at Yorkshire hospital


A DOCTOR convicted of downloadin­g child sex images has been working at a hospital in Yorkshire after he had to leave a series of other posts due to the offence.

Consultant Philip McAndrew was found to have been employed by Barnsley Hospital after a source tipped off newspaper.

The 56-year-old radiologis­t has eight job conditions imposed on him by the General Medical Council (GMC) following his conviction.

The conditions include clinical supervisio­n, having to notify the GMC of new employment and allowing the council to share informatio­n with his employer.

The doctor is also barred from working as a locum and must tell employers of the conditions imposed on him.

Dr McAndrew was fined £1,500 in 1998 after he admitted downloadin­g pornograph­ic images of young children on his computer.

He was working as a consultant radiologis­t with Kirkcaldy Acute Hospital at the time, but he then moved to Ireland after his employers said Dr McAndrew’s behaviour did not meet required standards.

Dr McAndrew was forced out of his next job at the South Infirmary in Cork after bosses at the hospital learned of his conviction for downloadin­g the child sex images.

A spokesman for the GMC confirmed the doctor’s registrati­on status.

The spokesman added: “The doctor has a conditions on his practice for a matter that we continue to investigat­e.”

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