Yorkshire Post

Help track progress of winged wonder’s revival


A DIET of nettles combined with environmen­tal changes is thought to be behind the rise of one of Britain’s most successful species of butterflie­s.

Despite a few tricky years recently, comma butterflie­s have enjoyed huge population growth – up by 138 per cent in 40 years.

Experts believe a combinatio­n of climate change and the comma’s increased use of nettles as a food plant for its caterpilla­rs may explain a dramatic expansion in its range.

At the turn of the 20th century the comma, which has distinctiv­e ragged wing edges, was restricted to a few counties in the Welsh borders and southeast England, but since the 1970s it has spread north 250 miles throughout England, Wales and the Isle of Man into southern and eastern Scotland.

While the species has flourished, poor years in 2012 and 2016 have alerted conservati­onists, who are now urging people to help track its progress by taking part in the Butterfly Conservati­on charity’s Big Butterfly Count. It is hoped the survey will offer an insight into the comma’s long-term population fluctuatio­ns.

Butterfly Conservati­on president Sir David Attenborou­gh said: “Canals and rivers are fantastic locations for many species of butterfly.

“The comma is one of our most exquisite butterflie­s and heartening­ly is also something of a butterfly success story.”

Its common habitats include brambles, thistles and knapweed along rivers and canals, while its caterpilla­rs feed on nettles and hops in the same areas.

Butterfly Conservati­on’s head of recording Richard Fox said: “We need to continue to monitor its progress, especially after a worse-than-usual year in 2016.”

The Big Butterfly Count runs until Sunday. For more details, visit www.bigbutterf­lycount.org.

 ??  ?? Two views of the comma butterfly, which has seen a resurgence in numbers over the last 40 years, with its population up by 138 per cent. SUCCESS STORY: PICTURE: BUTTERFLY CONSERVATI­ON/PA.
Two views of the comma butterfly, which has seen a resurgence in numbers over the last 40 years, with its population up by 138 per cent. SUCCESS STORY: PICTURE: BUTTERFLY CONSERVATI­ON/PA.

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