Yorkshire Post

Messing about on the river with Chevin for a backdrop


THERE’S something rather romantic about taking a boat out onto the River Wharfe in Otley and, even though I’m far from adept at rowing, I have to admit it’s quite relaxing.

It’s a tradition which vanished from the town more than 15 years ago – recreation­al boating disappeare­d in 2001, marking the end of an 80-year custom.

Many bemoaned the loss of the boats and blamed it on the exorbitant costs of health and safety.

The man who has fought to bring Otley’s river boats back, Chris Thornton, has put health and safety at the heart of the new venture, so when we turn up on the opening day, the riverbank is busy with uniformed staff and there’s a rack of life jackets for children.

Indeed, Chris, 61, who runs Aura Jewellery, has slightly curtailed his original opening hours in order to ensure he meets the necessary requiremen­ts.

“We have decided that for the remainder of this year we will just open weekends, including bank holidays, just so we can staff it properly and iron out any problems,” he says.

On the opening day, however, people couldn’t have been more positive about the return of the boats, which have, at a stroke, recaptured a lost chapter for the town.

“People were so compliment­ary. They were coming up and saying how wonderful it was that boats were back on the river and everyone who took one out had a great time,” says Chris.

Turning the dream into a reality has been a long slog for Chris, who first thought of the idea several years ago.

“I thought it was a good idea and thought someone should put the boats back on the river and so I said I would have a go. It’s been difficult, there are things like health and safety to consider and things like that aren’t there for nothing, so we’ve put a lot into it.”

He has too. Not only do all under-14s need to wear a life jacket but there is a safety motorboat in among the rowers and pedal boats, just in case anyone has any problems.

Judging by the opening day, the effort that Chris and his crew have put in has been worthwhile. “Every single person I spoke to said they enjoyed it,” he says. “The response from the public has been unbelievab­le. People were saying how nice it was to get back on that river.

“It is nice, too. You row up under the bridge, which was made in the 1700s, it’s all wooded along the sides, the Chevin is in the background, it’s wonderful.”

Taking the boats out does give you a different perspectiv­e on life. It’s the kind of experience we often yearn for these days, when everything is so regimented and ordered.

As we travel (slowly, it has to be said) upstream and inch our way beneath the old stone bridge, we emerge on the other side, where both banks are wooded and the river snakes lazily round and out of sight.

Otley, with its rural setting and the imposing Chevin looming over it, seems like the perfect place for such a venture. River boats began operating here in 1926 and were run by Tom and John Pickles.

The boats were a feature of Otley and attracted people to the town from far and wide. They were shut down in 2001 following the foot and mouth epidemic but mounting operating costs also helped seal their fate.

A petition to have the boats put back has been running for several years. “The boats are great for the town. At one time there were 40 boats and 20 punts on the river and I’d like to build it back up to that eventually,” says Chris.

In 2015, Otley became the first town in the country to list all of its pubs as community assets, it’s also become a mecca for cyclists and thanks to this new venture it may soon be famous for its waterways too.

 ??  ?? Chris Thornton who has reintroduc­ed rowing boats to the River Wharfe at Otley.
Chris Thornton who has reintroduc­ed rowing boats to the River Wharfe at Otley.

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