Yorkshire Post

Corbyn makes a fresh plea to tackle poverty


LABOUR LEADER Jeremy Corbyn will issue a call to tackle poverty and inequality head-on during a visit to Glasgow.

He will outline plans to build more housing during a campaign visit to a housing associatio­n in the city today.

The party says it will also reveal figures showing that 66,000 people in Glasgow would benefit from Labour’s real living wage.

Mr Corbyn, who visited the Western Isles on Wednesday, will continue his campaign tour of Scotland where he will be joined by Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale.

At a rally at Drygate Brewery in the evening Mr Corbyn is expected to call for an end to the poverty that blights too many lives in the city.

He will say: “Labour is the only party that will end austerity across the UK. We will help pay for that by ending the tax giveaways to the super-rich and big business.

“Here in Glasgow, poverty blights far too many lives and far too many children’s lives.

“There are huge endemic health problems and poverty and inequality continues to blight the lives of too many in the city.

“We are committed to a comprehens­ive approach to ending this national shame.

“Labour will improve and increase housing provision, invest in our people and communitie­s, increase pay at work and improve working conditions, create jobs, and protect our most vulnerable people.”

The Labour leader met staff at Harris Tweed Hebrides on Wednesday and addressed a town hall rally in Stornoway to highlight his party’s policies for rural areas.

He is expected to visit a series of marginal constituen­cies north of the border over the next five days, speaking to thousands of voters in seats where SNP MPs have wafer-thin majorities.

Mr Corbyn has said Scottish votes are key to winning a majority Labour government at Westminste­r. The party, which surpassed expectatio­ns by taking seven Scottish seats in June’s General Election, is targeting up to 18 SNP constituen­cies.

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