Yorkshire Post

Teen girls are a third more likely to go to university


TEENAGE GIRLS are now more than a third more likely to go to university than boys, according to new figures, as the gap between the sexes reached record levels.

In total, about 30,000 more women than men are set to start degree courses this autumn, Ucas data shows. The figures come as fresh data by the university admissions service showed that around 6,600 fewer students overall have been placed on courses this year, compared with the same point last year.

The statistics show that as of Friday, 133,280 UK 18-year-old women had secured a university place, compared with 103,800 UK men of this age. This gap – of nearly 30,000 students – is the largest difference recorded at this point of the admissions cycle, Ucas said. Its analysis shows that across the UK, 27.3 per cent of all young men are expecting to go to university, compared with 37.1 per cent of young women.

It means that as of this point – just over a week after A-levels were published – 18-year-old women are 36 per cent more likely to start degree courses this autumn than their male peers of the same age.

Last year they were 35 per cent more likely to enter higher education and five years ago they were 31 per cent more likely.

Dr Mark Corver, director of analysis and research at Ucas, said: “More UK 18-year-olds will be starting university this autumn than ever before but large difference­s in who goes remain. The statistics today show the difference between men and women slowly growing wider.”

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