Yorkshire Post

Royal artist turning attention to trees at centre of felling storm


AN ARTIST who once painted the Queen has turned his attention to Sheffield’s trees.

Dan Llywelyn Hall spent a day on Western Road, Crookes, capturing some of the trees planted as memorials to former pupils of Westways School who died in the First World War.

Some of the trees are earmarked for felling under the Streets Ahead contract, although a council group set up to consider their future said earlier in the summer they and all other memorial street trees should be treated “differentl­y”.

The issue is to go before the council’s cabinet for discussion on September 20 but campaigner­s are still worried the council will continue with its plans to cut down 21 of the 54 trees.

Campaigner Rob McBride invited the artist to the city to paint trees due for felling. On Western Road, he combined his view of the trees with images of the soldiers they were planted to remember.

The original avenue of trees was planted in 1919, although it is believed some of those trees have been replaced over the years.

Before he began painting he called the plans to fell the trees “appalling and the most disgracefu­l action given the centenary year of the First World War”.

He added: “The trees are a poignant and emotional link back to those heroes of Sheffield – they hold so much history.”

The artist also visited Chelsea Road in Nether Edge to paint the Huntingdon elm campaigner­s are fighting to save.

He also hoped to visit Vernon Road in Dore to paint an oak due to be felled.

The council is trying to cut down and replace 6,000 street trees by the end of the year, but campaigner­s say healthy trees are being felled.

Police were called to a demonstrat­ion outside Olive Grove Streets Ahead depot on Wednesday after staff from contractor Amey accused campaigner­s of blocking felling crews from leaving the yard.

Sheffield Tree Action Groups said the protest was peaceful.

 ??  ?? DAN LLYWELYN HALL: Painting trees earmarked for felling in controvers­ial council programme.
DAN LLYWELYN HALL: Painting trees earmarked for felling in controvers­ial council programme.

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