Yorkshire Post

Snail’s-pace trains

Slower services than London


THE YORKSHIRE Post makes no apology for returning to the theme of transport – and the need to invest in the region’s rail network so the wider economy can prosper. There is now real momentum – more than 85,000 people have signed a petition and Transport Secretary Chris Grayling’s apparent buckpassin­g has united political and business leaders across the North.

However, this pressure needs to be maintained – the Government has betrayed promises made to the region’s voters prior to the last two elections – and new research reiterates this need. Not only does London and the South East, beneficiar­ies of sustained investment, enjoy more frequent services, but track improvemen­ts and modern rolling stock mean journey times are much quicker.

Take the route from Reading through Theresa May’s Maidenhead constituen­cy to London Paddington. Not only are there up to 16 trains an hour in the morning peak period to the capital, but it can take as little as 24 minutes to make the 37-mile trip at speeds of up to 93mph.

What a contrast with the line from Leeds to Manchester, little changed since the Victorian era, and which is subject to so much attention at present as a result of last week’s transport summit. The fastest train takes 49 minutes to complete 36 miles at 44mph, a snail’s pace in comparison. The average speed from Leeds to Sheffield is even slower and would not be tolerated ‘down South’. With Reading also due to benefit from the opening of Crossrail 1 next year, the extent to which the North is being shortchang­ed is becoming clearer with each passing day. Over to you, Mr Grayling.

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