Yorkshire Post


- DAVID BEHRENS COUNTY CORRESPOND­ENT n Email: david.behrens@ypn.co.uk n Twitter: @yorkshirep­ost

The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting her third child, Kensington Palace said. The palace said the duchess was suffering from morning sickness, as she did with her previous pregnancie­s, so an engagement she had yesterday was cancelled.

IT WILL not be the first time, nor the last, that a young mother has waved her eldest child off to school while she awaits the birth of a new brother or sister.

But the announceme­nt yesterday that the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a third child has a national significan­ce.

The word came in the same week that Prince George begins lessons at Thomas’s, Battersea, and just four days after Kate and William marked the 20th anniversar­y of the death of his mother, Diana.

William’s brother, Prince Harry, said the news was “fantastic”, and though he is not a doctor, pronounced that Kate would overcome her morning sickness.

“I think she’s OK,” he said, as she remained inside Kensington Palace, cared for by nurses.

She has hyperemesi­s gravidarum, as she did in her previous pregnancie­s. It is a rare condition causing severe vomiting, which affects 3.5 in every 1,000 pregnant women.

Experts say the condition often gets worse with subsequent pregnancie­s, but those who have experience­d it before can be put on medication as soon as they get a positive pregnancy test.

When expecting Prince George in 2012, Kate spent three nights in King Edward VII’s Hospital in central London before being discharged.

Meanwhile, the Prince of Wales, the new grandfathe­r-tobe, was said to be “delighted” by the news, as were the Queen and other members of the family.

The princess is fewer than 12 weeks pregnant, and the palace had revealed the news early after her sickness forced her to pull out of a public engagement yesterday.

Kate had been due to visit the Hornsey Road Children’s Centre in London to hear about the mental health impact of becoming a mother.

Just weeks ago, she joked about having a third child while she toured Poland and Germany with William, George and two-yearold Charlotte.

In Warsaw, she had been handed a present designed for newborns, and had said to William: “We will just have to have more babies.”

Kensington Palace said in a statement: “Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announce that the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting their third child.

“The Queen and members of both families are delighted with the news.”

By having more than two offspring, William and Kate are following in the footsteps of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, who went on to have four children – although there was a gap of 10 years between their second child, Anne, and third, Andrew.

An age gap of less than two years between Prince George and Princess Charlotte gave Kate enough time to try for a third before she reached her late 30s.

But William – who is one of two siblings – may have needed more convincing.

On an overseas tour to Singapore in 2012, upon being asked by a group of teenagers how many children he would like to have, he said he was “thinking about having two”.

His thoughts now will likely turn to the question of whether to hire a second nanny. He and Harry had two at the same time when they were young – Barbara Barnes and her deputy Olga Powell, who later took the lead role.

The Queen and members of both families are delighted. Statement from Kensington Palace.

 ?? PICTURES: PA WIRE. ?? A ROYAL FAMILY: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge annnounced the news yesterday; above, the Royal couple with George and Charlotte and George welcomes Charlotte when she was born in 2015.
PICTURES: PA WIRE. A ROYAL FAMILY: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge annnounced the news yesterday; above, the Royal couple with George and Charlotte and George welcomes Charlotte when she was born in 2015.

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