Yorkshire Post

Queen hails latest Forth crossing as an ‘extraordin­ary achievemen­t’


THE QUEEN has officially opened the “breathtaki­ng” new Queensferr­y Crossing, hailing the bridge as an “extraordin­ary achievemen­t”.

She returned to the Firth of Forth to formally open the new structure 53 years after opening the neighbouri­ng Forth Road Bridge.

As well as being a “breathtaki­ng sight”, she said the new bridge would be an “important link” between the Lothians and Fife, in addition to the Forth road and rail bridges.

She said: “The three magnificen­t structures we see here span three centuries, are all feats of modern engineerin­g and a tribute to the vision and remarkable skill of those who designed and built them.”

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon told the monarch: “Your Majesty, we are honoured that you are here with us today.

“You, supported by the Duke of Edinburgh, have been at the centre of many key moments in Scotland’s national life. We are delighted that you are also at this one.

“On the day that your greatgrand­father opened the original Forth Bridge in 1890, he declared it as a ‘wonder of the age’.

“When you opened the Forth Road Bridge in 1964, you said that it showed Scotland’s determinat­ion to ‘remain among the leaders in all branches of technology’.

“Today, this magnificen­t Queensferr­y Crossing takes its own place as a modern marvel.”

Ms Sturgeon also addressed the crowd, saying the creation of the bridge was an “outstandin­g achievemen­t” as she thanked those involved in the project.

She told them: “The nation’s heart is bursting with pride at what you have achieved.”

Earlier, hundreds of spectators watched as the Queen formally opened the bridge by cutting a ribbon on the south side.

She was accompanie­d by Philip on his first official appearance alongside her since retiring from solo royal engagement­s last month and the royal couple met Ms Sturgeon, constructo­rs’ representa­tives and local officials.

On Monday of last week, the 1.7-mile crossing was illuminate­d by a night-time light show to reflect the symbolic handover from contractor­s to the Scottish Government.

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