Yorkshire Post

Campaigner­s call on MPs to intervene on steel pensions

Thousands of former British Steel workers in Yorkshire are seeing their pensions ‘sacrificed’ – to help balance the books of a firm many of them never worked for. Chris Burn reports.

- CHRIS BURN NEWS CORRESPOND­ENT Email: chris.burn@jpress.co.uk Twitter: @yorkshirep­ost

FORMER STEELWORKE­RS in Yorkshire are calling on MPs to intervene on changes to pensions expected to hit tens of thousands of ex-British Steel employees next year.

Members of a 4,000-strong Facebook group called ‘British Steel Pension Members’ have been writing to local MPs to ask for politician­s to step in over changes approved by The Pensions Regulator this week that will affect about 125,000 people in the company’s pension scheme and will involve workers whose service fell before 1997 losing almost all annual inflation-linked rises –leaving them fearing they will be left thousands of pounds out of pocket.

As part of a process to allow Tata Steel, which bought Corus – formerly British Steel – in 2007, to separate itself from the pension scheme to ensure a “sustainabl­e future” for the business, pensioners are to move to either the ‘lifeboat’ Pension Protection Fund (PPF) where their schemes will lose 10 per cent of their value or into a revised British Steel scheme with lower future increases from March.

The letter to MPs from the campaign group speaks of the “unfairness” of the changes, which affect many employees who never worked for the company under its guise as Tata.

“Whilst the new scheme is better for the majority of existing pensioners than insolvency or the PPF payments, Tata UK/ BSPS Trustees have chosen the minimum level of benefits under the law for those pensioners who had service prior to April 1997,” it says.

Birkenhead MP Frank Field has said the issue may be considered for “in-depth work” by the Work and Pensions Committee he chairs after concerns were raised by scheme members.

A spokesman for Tata Steel said: “There was no realistic option which could deliver a sustainabl­e future for Tata Steel’s UK business where it remained responsibl­e for the risks and liabilitie­s associated with the scheme. For Tata Steel’s UK business to find a solvent and sustainabl­e future, it required a structural solution to the risks and liabilitie­s of its legacy pension scheme.”

AS YOUNG men joining their local steelworks, they were made a simple promise – start paying into a pension scheme that was “as good as it could possibly be” and it would look after them and their loved ones in old age. But decades later, they are finding that promise may no longer hold.

For many in Yorkshire, being a British Steel employee represente­d not just a job for life, it was a way of life. Sons, fathers and grandfathe­rs all often worked at the same plant and, at its height in the 1960s and 1970s, British Steel employed more than 260,000 people; largely clustered in five main areas – South Yorkshire, Teesside, Scunthorpe, South Wales and Scotland.

British Steel was privatised in 1988 and in 1999 a merger resulted in it becoming Corus. Eight years later, Indian conglomera­te Tata Steel bought Corus. But Tata’s hopes of making a success of the business did not come to fruition – and the firm pointed the finger of blame at the £15bn pension scheme for its financial woes; warning the entire business faced collapse, taking thousands of jobs with it. As a result, unions thrashed out a compromise last year to allow Tata to ditch the pension scheme in exchange for keeping the giant Port Talbot facility in South Wales in operation for the next ten years.

It now means 125,000 members of the company’s pension scheme are facing major changes to their payouts, with those whose service occurred either largely or entirely before 1997 being worst-affected as annual inflation-linked rises for all years of service before then are essentiall­y removed.

The result, warn representa­tives of a 4,000-strong Facebook group called ‘British Steel Pensions Members’, will be many ex-employees losing out on thousands of pounds they had been budgeting for. Stefan Zaitschenk­o, from the group, says pensioners are “collateral damage” in the deal and fears many of those due to be affected by the changes from next March do not fully understand what is on the cards.

Under the terms of the agreement, approved this week by The Pensions Regulator, individual­s’ pensions will be transferre­d into a ‘lifeboat’ scheme called the Pension Protection Fund (PPF), where there will be a 10 per cent reduction to their values. But they can alternativ­ely opt to transfer to a revised scheme sponsored by Tata known as British Steel Pension Scheme 2, which will pay less money than currently but generally provides more than the PPF arrangemen­t.

Zaitschenk­o, from Guisboroug­h in North Yorkshire, worked for British Steel for 37 years and retired five years ago. The former project manager says those affected will lose out whatever happens. “People are between a rock and a hard place. Since the scheme began in 1969 to 1997, all those people only worked for one company – British Steel. Ten years after that, a big company came in and took over and ten years later that company is going away, leaving them with a big hole in their pensions.”

While an element of pensions accrued between 1988 and 1997 will still qualify for inflation-linked rises under the revised scheme, an example given on the British Steel Pensions website shows this portion represents a tiny proportion of the overall pot. Zaitschenk­o says complexiti­es such as this make it harder for members of the scheme to understand the simple consequenc­es of the planned changes; they are about to lose out on a considerab­le amount of money. “I bump into people from work and say ‘Do you know?’ and they haven’t got a clue. I feel guilty because you have spoilt their day and probably the rest of their life when you explain. There are only 4,000 people in the group at the minute but there are tens of thousands of pensioners out there who are blissfully unaware of what is about to happen.”

Zaitschenk­o says members generally accept that revisions are needed but suggests that a middle ground could be found in which rises running below the current rate of inflation are applied. Another area of major concern to campaigner­s is the impact on widows of former workers who are now receiving pension payouts they rely on. The campaign has been writing to MPs in the hope of applying political pressure so changes are made.

Andy Mains, from North Yorkshire, retired last year at 55 having previously been a team leader in Teesside. His late father also worked for British Steel, meaning his 83-year-old mother’s widow’s pension will also be hit.

Mains says: “For me, it is unfair. You have got people who didn’t ever work for Tata. Now their futures are being determined by a company that they have never worked for. We could lose 20 to 30 per cent of the value of our pensions as inflation goes up. My mother got the letter a couple of weeks back. She said ‘What is this? I haven’t got a clue what it means’. I spent a couple of hours with her explaining.”

Shaun Campbell, a 56-year-old from Rotherham who started at British Steel in 1977, says his mother-in-law is also receiving a widow’s pension and his father also receives a steelworks pension which he fears will eventually become “worthless”. Campbell, who retired last year along with his wife, says what they had budgeted is now in question. “How bad it is going to be, nobody knows.”

Mick Hawker, aged 62 and from Sheffield, started work for British Steel in 1971 and finished in 1991, going on to work for the NHS. “If inflation is two to three per cent every year I’m still living, then I could lose 50 to 60 per cent. Like everybody else, I think it is a disgrace. They are looking after the profits of a huge multi-national company with money around the world and trying to ditch their pension responsibi­lities in this country. My mother is 92. She is getting my father’s pension and because she lives in Ireland, she has already taken a big hit because of Brexit in terms of the exchange rate. I spoke to her last week and gently explained what is happening. I’m sure there are a lot of people in that situation. I can remember being encouraged to join the scheme as a young man, being told it was as good as it could possibly get. That was the promise the Government made to us.”

Paul Needham, also from Sheffield, says he had been ringing round former colleagues to see if they understood what was coming. “Out of the 20 I have rung, only one was aware of the pre-1997 change and that was because his wife was a financial adviser. I am worried that the bulk of people affected by it aren’t aware of it. For me, that is the main issue.”

Richard Green from Teesside was made redundant in 2010 having worked for British Steel for 34 years. “I’m coming up to 59 now and should I live until I’m 80, it is a long time to go without an inflationa­ry rise. It will put people under a great deal of stress and anxiety. When you go for a job at my age, nobody wants to know. We are not just a commodity to be bargained with on the stock exchange, this is human life. All we are appealing for is fairness.”

Pensioners are collateral damage in this deal. I bump into people and say ‘Do you know?’ and they haven’t got a clue. There are tens of thousands of people who are blissfully unaware. Stefan Zaitschenk­o, former British Steel worker

 ??  ?? FRANK FIELD: Veteran MP has indicted the issue may be the subject of an “in-depth” review.
FRANK FIELD: Veteran MP has indicted the issue may be the subject of an “in-depth” review.
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 ?? PICTURES: SCOTT MERRYLEES ?? IRON WILLED: Former British Steel workers in Yorkshire are angry at major changes to their pensions. Above, Stefan Zaitschenk­o.
PICTURES: SCOTT MERRYLEES IRON WILLED: Former British Steel workers in Yorkshire are angry at major changes to their pensions. Above, Stefan Zaitschenk­o.
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