Yorkshire Post

Brussels will not be allowed to target the City, claims Hammond


BRUSSELS WILL not be allowed to use Brexit to introduce “protection­ist” measures designed to target the City of London, Philip Hammond will tell finance chiefs.

The Chancellor will accept the European Union has legitimate concerns about the supervisio­n of financial markets in London which provide services across the continent.

But he will warn that those concerns must not be used as a smokescree­n to support EU financial centres at the expense of the UK.

In a speech in the City, Mr Hammond will insist that his priority is to ensure that the UK remains “the financial services centre of the world” after Brexit.

He will say the new relationsh­ip sought with the EU on the supervisio­n of financial markets will offer greater transparen­cy and cooperatio­n. “We acknowledg­e that there are legitimate concerns among our EU colleagues about the oversight and supervisio­n of financial markets here in the UK that are providing vital financial services to EU firms and citizens,” he will say.

“We will address them by making forward-leaning proposals for greater transparen­cy, cooperatio­n, and agreed standards based on internatio­nal norms.

“But, let me be clear, we will not accept protection­ist agendas, disguised as arguments about financial stability.”

The speech at the UK Finance annual dinner comes after Mr Hammond chaired the first meeting of the Business Advisory Group.

The Chancellor, Brexit Secretary David Davis and Business Secretary Greg Clark met the five main business organisati­ons –the CBI (Confederat­ion of British Industry), BCC (British Chambers of Commerce), IoD (Institute of Directors), FSB (Federation of Small Businesses) and EEF – to hear their concerns and priorities.

Mr Hammond will stress his commitment to maintainin­g the UK’s position, including its leading role in financial technology (fintech).

“It is my priority as Chancellor to ensure that the UK remains the financial services centre of the world,” he will say.

 ??  ?? Says his priority is to ensure UK is ‘financial services centre of the world’.
Says his priority is to ensure UK is ‘financial services centre of the world’.

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