Yorkshire Post

Rail strikes push private sector industrial action to 10-year high


LONG-RUNNING STRIKES by workers on Britain’s rail network have helped push industrial action in the UK’s private sector to its highest level for more than 10 years.

Some 122,000 working days were lost through strikes in the private sector between January and July, new analysis shows.

This is already higher than the total recorded for each full calendar year since 2004.

And with more strikes about to hit four rail companies including Northern, the London Undergroun­d and Thomas Cook flights, the number for 2017 will almost certainly rise further. The figures were compiled by the Press Associatio­n from data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). They show that the total for January to July 2017, 122,000, is already more than double the equivalent figure for January to July 2016 (51,000). The comparable figure for the whole of 2004 is 165,000 – and given the current scale of disruption, this number could be exceeded before 2017 is over.

Responding to the findings, a TUC spokesman said: “No-one wants to see strikes, least of all the hard-working staff who take pride in their jobs, and who will lose a day’s pay when they take action.

“But when unreasonab­le employers won’t negotiate or compromise, sometimes it’s the only option left. Strikes are rare, but knowing they are possible is the key to a healthy balance of power at work.”

Employees taking strike action this year have ranged from rail guards and car production workers to highly skilled nuclear staff.

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