Yorkshire Post

MP ‘smells very large rat’ over hormone pregnancy tests review


A FORMER TORY Health Minister has said she smells “something like a very large rat” and raised concerns about a cover-up in an official review into hormone pregnancy tests.

Anna Soubry called for a debate in Parliament on the review by the Commission on Human Medicines (CHM), which found use of the drugs was not responsibl­e for serious birth defects experience­d by some families. The CHM expert working group on hormone pregnancy tests (HPT) said the scientific evidence does “not support a causal associatio­n” between the use of HPTs such as Primodos and birth defects or miscarriag­e.

Health Minister Steve Brine said the expert group had reviewed all the evidence and was better qualified to make a judgment than MPs. Ms Soubry said: “Could I suggest that we have a proper backbench debate about this to exorcise all these issues? Because with great respect to this working party, having had some experience as a former Public Health Minister and knowing about contaminat­ed blood, I’m afraid to say I smell something like a very large rat in all of this and I think there have been cover-ups in it.”

Shadow Health Minister Justin Madders said the decision had been met with “disbelief ” by campaigner­s and branded “a whitewash, an injustice, a betrayal”. He added: “Have we learned nothing from previous scandals and cover-ups?”

In reply, Mr Brine said: “This was a comprehens­ive, independen­t scientific review of all available evidence by experts of a broad range of specialism­s who, with respect, are far more qualified to consider this than him or me.

“It was a rigorous, an important, an impartial review conducted over the best part of two years, where experts were given access to all the available documents.”

The comments came as Mr Brine answered a question from Labour MP Yasmin Qureshi.

 ??  ?? Called for a debate in Parliament ‘to exorcise all the issues involved’.
Called for a debate in Parliament ‘to exorcise all the issues involved’.

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