Yorkshire Post

Man gave a Nazi salute and drove at owner of restaurant


A BRITAIN FIRST supporter gave a Nazi salute and shouted “white power” before driving at a curry house owner, a court has heard.

Marek Zakrocki, 48, threatened to “kill a Muslim” then launched his attack outside Spicy Night in Alexandra Parade in Harrow, London, on the anniversar­y of the Brexit vote.

Zakrocki, who was originally charged with attempted murder, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and battering his wife.

Prosecutor Denis Barry said: “Mr Zakrocki had plainly, during the course of that afternoon, had far too much to drink.

“During the course of that evening he assaulted his wife, drove off in his work vehicle, insulted a series of passers-by and then drove his vehicle at the owner of a curry house, breaking the window of the restaurant.

“It’s plain that his conduct is very likely to have been motivated by his views about our diverse society.”

Earlier on June 23, he had got drunk on wine, grabbed his wife Ewa Zakrocka’s arm and threatened to “kill people” and himself.

During a rampage around Harrow, Zakrocki made a Nazi salute, pushed an unknown Asian man and shouted “white power, white power”.

He was also heard to say: “I’m going to kill a Muslim. I’m doing it for Britain.”

The Polish-born window fitter ended up outside Spicy Night restaurant, blocking the road with his white van.

Following an altercatio­n in the street, he started the engine and aimed the vehicle at restaurant owner Kamal Ahmed.

He was driving at 5mph and was effectivel­y trying to pin Mr Ahmed against the restaurant window, which smashed.

Police found a Nazi coin in Zakrocki’s pocket and a stash of Britain First flyers and newspapers at his home in Harrow.

Mr Barry said the defendant appeared to have a history of depressive illness and alcohol problems.

Charges of attempting to cause grievous bodily harm and having a knife in Northolt Road, Harrow, were ordered to lie on file. Judge Anthony Leonard QC remanded the defendant into custody to be sentenced on January 12 and said a jail term was being considered.

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