Yorkshire Post

Clampdown on leaseholds hits home builder


SHARES IN retirement home builder McCarthy & Stone tumbled after the company said it would be hit by the Government’s new clampdown on unnecessar­y leaseholds and ground rent charges.

Communitie­s Secretary Sajid Javid said it was unacceptab­le for home-buyers to be exploited by unfair practices, as he announced a ban on the sale of newbuild leasehold homes.

Ground rents will also be set at zero for new long leases on houses and flats, while the Government will work with the Law Commission to support existing leaseholde­rs and make it easier, faster and cheaper to buy a freehold or extend a lease.

Mr Javid said: “It’s clear from the overwhelmi­ng response from the public that real action is needed to end these feudal practices.”

However, McCarthy & Stone said it will be caught in the crossfire and is seeking an exemption for retirement housing providers. McCarthy & Stone makes money from charging home-owners ground rent and then selling on the freehold to third-party investors, so will be hammered by the changes.

The firm said the practice is expected to glean £33m in profits next year, which are now at risk.

The company insisted it does not build leasehold houses and does not employ the types of “escalating ground rents” that have caused concern.

Its retirement apartment model incorporat­es an annual leasehold ground rent charge to “ensure that the long-term maintenanc­e” of the developmen­t is effectivel­y managed on behalf of elderly home-owners, the firm said.

Clive Fenton, chief executive of McCarthy & Stone, said: “The proposal to set all ground rents to zero will result in a disruption of housing supply and contradict­s the Government’s stated objective of seeking new sources of housing.

“We understand and support the need for action to address leasehold housing and aggressive escalation clauses for ground rents; however, this blanket approach will result in reduced housing delivery as well as choice for ordinary people.

“We are disappoint­ed that our representa­tions on this topic and those submitted by others within our sector have not been directly reflected in the Government’s response. However, this is the first in a number of steps and we will continue to work positively with DCLG (the Department for Communitie­s and Local Government) to ensure they recognise the importance of retirement housing in the face of an ageing population.”

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